Modelling eye-level visibility of urban green space: Optimising city-wide point-based viewshed computations through prototyping
This is the github repository for our publication “Modelling eye-level visibility of urban green space: Optimising city-wide point-based viewshed computations through prototyping”. Here we provide reproducible workflows for our analyses. Data supporting this publication is accessible via the following DOI (10.5281/zenodo.6421423).
You can install protoVS from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
The elevation data required downloading and pre-processing. In the data workflow we have provided R scripts that describe the complete process. Processed input data has also been uploaded on Zenodo for easy access.
Reproducible workflows have been provided for the sections 4.1 Viewshed and 4.2 Greenness visibility.
#> To cite protoVS in publications use:
#> Brinkmann, S. T., Kremer, D., and Walker, B. B.: Modelling eye-level
#> visibility of urban green space: Optimising city-wide point-based
#> viewshed computations through prototyping, AGILE GIScience Ser., 3,
#> 27,, 2022.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Article{,
#> title = {Modelling eye-level visibility of urban green space: Optimising city-wide point-based viewshed computations through prototyping},
#> author = {Sebastian T. Brinkmann and Dominik Kremer and Blake Byron Walker},
#> journal = {AGILE: GIScience Series},
#> year = {2022},
#> volume = {3},
#> number = {27},
#> url = {},
#> }