- hashicorp vault
- postgresql
- redis
- nginx
docker build -f terraform.dockerfile -t tetofonta/terraform:latest config
./terraform base_infrastructure init -upgrade
./terraform base_infrastructure apply \
-var-file=/base_infrastructure/vars.tfvars \
-target=module.vault_deploy \
-target=module.bind_deploy \
./terraform base_infrastructure apply \
-var-file=/base_infrastructure/vars.tfvars \
- open firewall 53/udp 6443/tcp
- set dns to local#53
- Finalize authentik configuration
- get akadmin password with the command
cat base_infrastructure/terraform.tfstate | jq -r '.resources[] | select( .name == "akadmin_password" ) | .instances[0].attributes.result'
- login to
- go to Admin interface
- Set Background
- go to
Flows & Stages > Flows
: For each flow edit and set the background to/media/bg.png
- go to
- Set GitHub source
- From github:
Settings > Developer Settings > OAuth Apps
and create a new app - Go to
Directory > Federations & Social Login > edit github
and set the correct client and secret
- From github:
- Setup outpost redirect
- go to
Applications > outposts
and edit the only one with the correct values and add the applications to the outpost
- go to
- Set Background
- get akadmin password with the command
- Install helm and kubectl on the computer
- install k3s using
config file:curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -s - --config "$PWD/config/k3s/install.yaml"
- Clone
to your local machine and set remote server. (Located in$PWD/config/k3s/kubeconfig.yaml
cd k3s
terraform init
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/config/k3s/kubeconfig.yaml
alias kubectl="kubectl --kubeconfig $KUBECONFIG"
helm repo add traefik https://traefik.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install traefik traefik/traefik -f k3s/helm/traefik-values.yaml --namespace=kube-system
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.10.1/cert-manager.yaml
domain = "ieee.elux.ing.unibs.it"
host_cname = "ieee.elux.ing.unibs.it"
subdomain = "sb."
app_subdomain = "app."
vault_host = "vlt"
authentik_host = "sso"
pg_host = "sql"
traeffik_dashboard_dns = "httpdashboard"
user = "1000:1000"
user_id = "1000"
machine_ip = ""
dns_port = 53
vault_key_shares = 1
vault_key_threshold = 1
org = "ieeesb1019"
locality = "UniBS"
province = "Brescia"
nation = "Italy"
acl_network = ""
domain = "sb.ieee.elux.ing.unibs.it"
remote_machine_ip = ""
kubeconfig_location = "../config/k3s/kubeconfig.yaml"
vault_connection_host = ""
vault_connection_port = 8200
vault_token = "hvs.bsjTbq9ighijtYraqjUFRc46"
authentik_connection_host = ""
authentik_connection_port = 4443
authentik_token = "J)TYkypFAd8js9KuG9vo@_b$l6_eFZ@qQ^99^^jNC\u0026LW)p%-hD6ZdsjEK_$dyKJ@z(WnAs(e(ynKiwP@GzyU*@YcK$GbY8R=I_T^32LhQEK%AwWgG\u0026M_Ore7Ge1jsNP_"
machine_ip = ""
machine_cname = "ieee.elux.ing.unibs.it"
tsig_secret = "ww/WPMqqUhyFsbMUwr6lnnG4I0+jmh7omWWISQI0u1E="
tsig_keyname = "dyn.sb.ieee.elux.ing.unibs.it."
tsig_algo = "hmac-sha256"
dns_server = ""
dns_port = 53