iBeacon scanner. Supports Android API 18+.
This is the final result of the first part of a fantastic Chapter I'm working on.
Chapter Flutter is one of the main projects of IEEE Student Branch of Brescia. The aim of the project is to develop and study Flutter Framework, while experimenting with the creation of an App starting by zero, with no previous knowledge.
The project is a Flutter application with the aim of testing the ease with which the data of a BLE Beacon can be read. Due to used libraries, the App is only runnable on Android.
The application allows the user to enter a list of regions and scan them, finding the iBeacons whose identifier matches with the Region's ones
Library used to managing the scan:
The first time you run the application, you will find an icon who tells you to allow the app to access the device's location and to activate the Bluetooth. This is required for the application to run properly. Once given all the permission, then it will start to scan Beacons in the Regions stored in the app.
Now, tap on the drawer icon o the top left, where you will find three options:
- "Manage Regions" leads you to another page, where you can add or delete the Regions to scan
- "Dark Theme" allows you to change the theme of the app if enabled
- "More Info" redirects you to a page where are listed all the licenses
To see on screen your first Beacon, you need at least one Region to scan. Tap on "Manage Regions" in the drawer and then you will be able to add (or delete by swiping left) all the regions you want. Remember that a Region has a specific UUID which is composed by 32 hexadecimal characters!
Once you have added at least one region, on the home page you'll find the compatible Beacons! Tapping on them you can see all their characteristics and you can also save them in local, so you can keep track of the Beacon even when the app doesn't find it.
In the home page, the Beacons that are actually scanned have a colored Bluetooth icon at the left. If a Beacon is not found but is local saved, the Bluetooth icon will be grey.
This app is developed by Roberto Filippini, from the Flutter Team of IEEE STB1019. The code is the result of two months of work during free time, starting from zero knowledge.
You can contact me for more information at [email protected].
Here is a link to see the Student Branch GitHub page
Here are the links to the other projects made by my colleagues: