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Handling repository files

Fahima Zulfath edited this page Apr 26, 2018 · 1 revision

Format to be followed on repository files

The project uses Jekyll to develop website which gives simple hosting and there is no need to manage database and no need to install any software for contribution. There are few formats to be followed while contributing to this project are as follows

Adding yourself as a contributor

  • Navigate to assets ---> data ---> contributors.yml in the repository
  • Include yourself as a contributor as per the following format
    name: your name
    twitter: your twitter handle
    description: about you (Ex: Contributor to Open Science, Bug reporter, designer, etc)

To add a category

  • Navigate to assets ---> data ---> categories.yml
  • Check whether the category that you want to contribute is included under categories.yml
  • If not, include the category that you wish to add.

To write a blog

  • Navigate to _post in your forked repository
  • Click on Create new file
  • Enter the file name as per the following format (name should not contain any space. Instead, add hyphen -)

  • Include the following format before you write a blog
layout: post

#event information
title:  "Title of your blog"
cover: "add image link" (Not want to add cover image then remove it)
date:   yyyy-mm-dd 
comment: true (if you want visiter to comment on your blog or else make it `false`)

#event organiser details
author: "name"
category: "Category name" (e.g. Rust)


  your blog content here.....

Note that if any of these above format goes wrong, your blog won't get published. Reach us when you find it difficult!!