The_Drone is a major new technology that is destined to be a disruptive force in the field of transportation. Just as the mobile phone allowed developing countries to leapfrog older technologies for personal communication, the drone has the potential to leapfrog traditional transportation infrastructure. Built with Java Spring Boot The_Drone functions include the delivery of small items that are (urgently) needed in locations with difficult access.
A drone is capable of carrying devices, other than cameras, and capable of delivering small loads. For our use case the load is medications.
- serial number (100 characters max);
- model (Lightweight, Middleweight, Cruiserweight, Heavyweight);
- weight limit (500gr max);
- battery capacity (percentage);
- name (allowed only letters, numbers, '-', '_');
- weight;
- code (allowed only upper case letters, underscore and numbers);
- image (picture of the medication case).
- Communicate with the drones (i.e. dispatch controller). The specific communicaiton with the drone is outside the scope of this task.
While implementing your solution please take care of the following requirements:
- Registering a drone;
- Loading a drone with medication items;
- Checking loaded medication items for a given drone;
- Checking available drones for loading;
- Check drone battery level for a given drone;
- Prevent the drone from being loaded with more weight that it can carry;
- Prevent the drone from being in LOADING state if the battery level is below 25%;
- Introduce a periodic task to check drones battery levels and create history/audit event log for this.
- Input/output data must be in JSON format;
- Your project must be build-able and runnable;
- Your project must have a README file with build/run/test instructions (use DB that can be run locally, e.g. in-memory, via container);
- Required data must be preloaded in the database.
- Unit tests are optional but advisable (if you have time);
- Advice: Show us how you work through your commit history.
- Programming Language: (Node.js Typescript optional) or Java
- Java 17 or later
- Maven 3.8.4 or later
- Postman
The project can by executed locally by executing the main
method in the org.assessment.the_drone.TheDroneApplication
class from your IDE.
Alternatively you can use the Spring Boot Maven plugin like so:
- Build the project using
mvn clean install
- Run using
mvn spring-boot:run
- The service is accessible via localhost:8080
- Add Configuration to dockerize the Spring Boot application.
- Build the project/Generate a .jar file running the command
mvn clean install
- The jar file can be found in your local maven repository Example -
- Move the jar file to the directory containing your Docker file
- Run the Spring Boot Docker image in a container by:
docker-compose up -d --build service_name
Below is the API documentation
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Spring Web
The following guides illustrate how to use some features concretely: