We present a method to spatially allocate all of the emissions and removals due to land conversion in Brazil at high spatial and temporal scales. The method presented here is based on the framework of the National Communications, considering the processes quantified, the equations, emission factors, carbon stocks, and annual increments, but improves on the spatial information over which all calculations are applied.
Folders 📂 are organized by key-steps ✨ and contain a set of codes {} following the SEEG_BR_Munipality classification scheme:
✨ Spatial_analyses GEE.js
✨ Estimates.R Estimates.R
Create an account in the Google Earth Engine plataform.
Install Python version 3.x. or Google Collab
Install Earth Engine Python API and get the credentials.
Install R base version 4.x and Install R Studio Desktop.
Download or clone this repository to your local workspace.
1.1 Accept Repository .EE (Spatial analyses)
1.2 Clone the gitRe by running the following command in a terminal: git clone
*Exc. 4.0_CalcAreaZone.ipynb
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Zimbres, B., Shimbo, J., Lenti, F., Brandão, A., Souza, E., Azevedo, T., & Alencar, A. (2024). Improving estimations of GHG emissions and removals from land use change and forests in Brazil. _Environmental Research Letters_, 19(9), 094024.
Improving estimations of GHG emissions and removals from land use change and forests in Brazil