This is my little game that uses the SFML library.
RocketLauncher folder is the folder containing the project running on Visual Studio.
testCPP.cpp file is the code I wrote to convert a 1-dimensional array to a matrix for map drawing (you can read about my map creation below)
This game only has 8 levels and it will probably be updated depending on my mood :D
This game has 1 easter egg, try to find it :>
You can adjust level and total number of deaths in Map.txt.
How to create map
Step 1:
_I use tiled to draw the map as I want, to do this I need a game asset:
I used: _ //I designed the rocket myself :D
_To use Tiled easily, you can refer to some instructions: //Getting started with Tiled. //How to use terrain sets.
Step 2:
_I save the map file as json.
_And then Open the saved json file and copy data from the array "data" in that file.
_And paste that data into the array section in TestCPP.cpp, run the code and it will help you convert the data just now into matrix form.
//You can change the number of row and col depending on the number of tiles in your map.
//Here is the conversion code I wrote and I got confused between rows and columns (You can see in the game code I had to invert the row and column values).
//You can rewrite another conversion code that works for you (note that the Ox and Oy axes in SFML are reversed to Cartesian coordinate system)
Step 3:
_Copy the result that the conversion code prints out and save it to a file so that when the game loads, you will open that file and get the data from it.
//load data from Map.txt file:
//I draw the map based on the name of map's pieces. Each piece will have different functions,
//for example Trap and Block are 2 different types and they will be divided into 2 different classes and saved to the Map.
_You can modify each map by modifying the Map files in the folder MapForm by following name of map's pieces in folder Wibu time!\Wibu time!\Data\Textures\Map
My game learned a lot about Resource Manager, Rocket Stage and Game Stage from: