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RSE 0007

Bradley Miller edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Adding a Spreadsheet directive to Runestone Components

  • Should provide basic formula support
  • Should be able to load from text in the body of the directive or from a linked csv file
  • Should have programmatic access to individual cells for auto-grading

Directive Syntax

.. spreadsheet:: uniqueid
    :numrows:  optional number for creating a blank sheet
    :numcols:  optional number for creating a blank sheet
    :fromcsv: csv file to insert into the body
    :fromurl: url to a csv to load at runtime

     value1, value2, =formula1, =formula2, value3,,
     value4, [value5-graded], =formula3, [=formula4-graded],,


There are a number of javascript spreadsheet and data viewers available on github. It seems many of them lack functionality for functions out of the box, but jExcel seems active and well documented. I was able to put together a quick demo in raw html mode with a minimum fuss.

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="../_static/excel-formula.min.js"></script>

    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />

    <div style="width: 600px; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto;">
    <div id="my"></div>

        var data = [
        ['Cookie', 'Bowl1', 'Bowl2', 'Total'],
        ['Chips Ahoy!',10,20,'=SUM(B3:C3)',],
        ['P(Oreo | Bowl1)','=B2/B4',,,],
        ['P(Oreo | Bowl2)','=C2/C4',,,],
        ['P(ChipsAhoy | Bowl1)','=B3/B4',,,],
        ['P(chipsAhoy | Bowl2)','=C3/C4',,,],
        ['P(Bowl1 | Oreo)','=B2/D2',,,],
        ['P(Bow2 | Oreo)','=C2/D2',,,],
        ['P(Bow1 | ChipsAhoy)','=B3/D3',,,],
        ['P(Bowl2 | ChipsAhoy)','=C3/D3',,,],

        colWidths: [ 200, 80, 100, 100 ]


jExcel also includes lots of custom formatting options that we can figure out how to incorporate into the directive as we learn more and improve the implementation.