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Releases: RolfZuckowskiUltras/Marlin-2.0.X-MKS-Robin-Nano

Merged from upstream, Tuned parameters

18 Jan 19:02
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Fork merged from upstream (l3tspeak). Functionalities remain the same. Added compiled binary for Sapphire Plus (belt-synced Z-Axis) with Hemera.

You can find compiled binarys, packed in .zip's below.

State of testing

As I only own an Sapphire Plus dual Z with Hemera, this is the only 100% tested firmware. The non-Hemera-Version should be also working fine. Pro is not tested yet, so please take that one with caution.

Known Issues:

Not any known yet.

Disclaimer: The Hemera on Sapphire Plus w. Hemera was configured for the following mounts:

Other mounts will may collide with the Z-Endstops...


Download the (to your printer according ZIP) and put the "Robin_nano35.bin" into the root-directory of the Micro-SD card of your Printer. Just put it in and switch it on. The Printer will start upgrading the firmware at boot.

V1.0.7 for Sapphire Pro + Plus

29 Aug 08:38
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You can find compiled binarys, packed in .zip's below.

State of testing

As I only own an Sapphire Plus dual Z with Hemera, this is the only 100% tested firmware. The non-Hemera-Version should be also working fine. Pro is not tested yet, so please take that one with caution.

Known Issues:

Not any known yet.

Disclaimer: The Hemera on Sapphire Plus w. Hemera was configured for the following mounts:

Other mounts will may collide with the Z-Endstopps...


Download the (to your printer according ZIP) and put the "Robin_nano35.bin" into the root-directory of the Micro-SD card of your Printer. Just put it in and switch it on. The Printer will start upgrading the firmware at boot.