This repository has been archived due to file size and history issues. Please see the new repository:
2024 FRC Robot
- RTX Enabled GPU
Install Nvidia Drivers
sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-525
then restart your machine
Install Docker and Nvidia Docker
then restart your machine -
Install Remote Development VS Code Extension
Go to extensions and search for Remote Development and click install -
Reopen in Devcontainer
Hit F1 and run the command Reopen in Container and wait for the post install to finsih.
Create Shaders
This uses a lot of cpu resource and can take up to 20min
Launch Isaac
Build the packages
Shortcut:ctrl + shift + b
Terminal:colcon build --symlink-install
Done with Building ROS2 Packagess
Download Omniverse Launcher -
Run Omniverse
chmod +x omniverse-launcher-linux.AppImage
Install Cache and Nucleus Server
Wait until both are downloaded and installed. -
DONE with Omniverse Setup
- Connect an xbox controller
- Open Isaac
- Open Isaac and hit load on the Import URDF extension window
- Press Play on the left hand side
- Run
inside a new devcontainer terminal (this is the simulated driverstation window) - Run
launch isaac_pysim
inside a new devcontainer terminal - Run auton/teleop by enabling in the simulated driverstation window
- Connect an xbox controller
- Launch FRC Driverstation
- Launch WPILib Shuffleboard
- Select auton/teleop
- Press Enable