This is a submodule software for the RoboCup@Home Simulation.
The console application synthesize voice sounds of the given text using SAPI.
This project generates Interop.SpeechLib.dll for the application.
- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2019
- Microsoft Speech Platform
- Launch Visual Studio.
- Open the ConsoleSimpleTTS.sln with Visual Studio.
- Click [Build]-[Build Solution].
- ConsoleSimpleTTS.exe and Interop.SpeechLib.dll are generated in a "ConsoleSimpleTTS\bin\Release" folder.
- Launch a command prompt.
- You can confirm Text-to-Speech by executing the following command.
> cd ConsoleSimpleTTS\bin\Release
> ConsoleSimpleTTS "I have a pen"
- You can also set options to the second argument.
The 409 means English (United States).
> ConsoleSimpleTTS "I have a pen" "Language=409;Gender=Female"
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.