The API service provides HTTP endpoints for the oracle system. Key features:
- Built with NestJS framework
- PostgreSQL database integration with Prisma ORM
- Reporter and Chain management system
- RESTful endpoints for data queries and system management
Smart contracts for the oracle system, implementing:
- ADCS Coordinator
- Consumer contracts for data requests
- Oracle registration and management
- Automated test suite
Key features:
- Built with Hardhat
- Solidity smart contracts
- Automated deployment scripts
- Comprehensive test coverage
- Multiple network support (testnet, mainnet)
Core service handling the oracle system's business logic:
- Listener service for blockchain events
- Worker service for processing oracle requests
- Queue management system using BullMQ
- Redis for caching and job processing
Key features:
- Event listening system
- Job queue processing
- Automated data fulfillment
- Error handling and logging
- Multi-chain support
Each component requires specific environment variables. Create .env
files in respective directories:
- API: Database connection, service configuration
- Contracts: Network providers, private keys, deployment settings
- Core: Redis configuration, blockchain providers, service settings
MIT License - See LICENSE file for details