Image Acquisition
- OV7670 camera captures product images, transmitted via B-CAMS-OMV module to STM32H7471-DISCO
Deep learning model segments image [Binary Segmentation]
- Black pixels: Defect areas
- White pixels: Non-defect regions
- Enables precise defect localization and shape analysis
Model evaluation and optimization [Defect Analysis]
- Compare U-Net, FCN, DeepLab architectures
- Optimize for STM32 using STM32Cube.AI
Automated Response
- Real-time actuator control based on segmentation output for defect handling
Below are the models which choosen and compared for our use case and each model has a branch with all specifications regarding training and inference
- U-Net
- Mask R-CNN
- DeepLab
- Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN)
- Gated-SCNN
- SegNet
- PSPNet (Pyramid Scene Parsing Network)
- HRNet (High-Resolution Network)
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