Using NLP, this project gauges customer sentiments online, offering customization and real-time feedback. Employing TF-BOW-LDA and ML models on train.csv dataset, it empowers e-commerce decisions, culminating in an NLP course at uOttawa in 2023.
- Required libraries: scikit-learn, pandas, matplotlib.
- Execute cells in a Jupyter Notebook environment.
- The uploaded code has been executed and tested successfully within the Google Colab environment.
Perform supervised sentiment analysis to categorize user sentiments into three classes: Positive, Negative, and Neutral.
- 'name': Name of the product.
- 'brand': Brand of the product.
- 'categories': Categories associated with the product.
- 'primaryCategories': Primary category of the product.
- '': Date of the review.
- 'reviews.text': Text content of the review.
- 'reviews.title': Title of the review.
- 'sentiment': Dependent variable indicating the sentiment (Positive, Negative, Neutral) of the review.
Data Explore:
Data Preparation:
Data Cleaning
- Handling Missing Data: The dataset has a very low percentage of missing cells (less than 0.1%) (10 values in reviews.title ), so we can safely drop or impute those missing values based on the specific context.
- Handling Duplicate Rows: The dataset has 1.5% duplicate rows, which can be removed to ensure data integrity
Renaming and Dropping Columns:Renamed the columns 'reviews.text,' 'reviews.title,' and '' to 'reviews_text,' 'reviews_title,' and 'reviews_date,' respectively. Additionally, Dropped the columns 'name,' 'brand,' 'categories,' 'primaryCategories,' and '' from the dataset.
Sentiment Label Encoding: Created a mapping dictionary for sentiment labels and encoded the 'sentiment' column into numerical form (1 for 'Positive,' -1 for 'Negative,' and 0 for 'Neutral').
Create new Column ‘Polarity Scores’: Apply the SentimentIntensityAnalyzer to the 'reviews_text' column to calculate polarity scores for each review. Polarity scores represent the sentiment of the text as a continuous value between -1 (negative) and 1 (positive).
Balancing Data : The classes are imbalanced, you may consider applying techniques like SMOTE to balance the data.
Text Feature Engineering:
- Normalizing Case Folding: Convert all text to lowercase to ensure consistent comparisons between words.
- Removing Punctuation: Eliminate special characters and punctuation marks from the text to avoid any interference in analysis.
- Removing Numbers: Exclude numerical digits from the text as they may not be relevant for certain tasks like sentiment analysis.
- Removing Stopwords: Remove common words that do not carry much meaning (e.g., "the," "and," "is") using stopwords from the
- English language.Remove Rare Words: Eliminate words that appear infrequently in the dataset, as they may not contribute significantly to the analysis.
- Lemmatization: Convert words to their base or root form (lemmas) to reduce inflected words to a common base form. For example, "running," "runs," and "ran" will all be transformed to "run."
Text Transformations:
- Bag-of-Words (BOW): Similar to TF, but it also ignores the frequency and considers only whether a word appears or not (binary representation).
- Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF): Convert the text data into a bag-of-words representation, where each document is represented as a vector of word frequencies in the corpus.
Classfication (Random Forest , SVM , Logistic Regression , Gaussian Navie Bayes)
Clustering ( K-Means , Hierarchical)
- BOW Technique
Silhouette Score (K-Means): 81.55401438608376 Silhouette Score (Hierarchical) : 17.925024032592773
- TF-IDF Technique
Silhouette Score (K-Means): 0.7683612431807604 Silhouette Score (Hierarchical) : 17.966507375240326
- BOW Technique
Champion Model