- package installer
sudo pacman -S git hyprland waybar network-manager-applet dunst rofi pavucontrol imagemagick fish nwg-look foot ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols ttf-0xproto-nerd libnotify starship python-pywal grim slurp
- AUR helper
yay -S swww cava ttf-0xproto vimix-cursors tela-circle-icon-theme-dracula catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato
- sttt https://github.com/flick0/sttt
- set fish as default shell
- (optional) > thunar neovim libsixel peaclock calcurse htop spotify (the waybar mediaplayer button only work with spotify but you can change that ofcourse)
sudo pacman -S thunar neovim libsixel htop
yay -S spotify peaclock calcurse
cd ~/.config/hypr/scripts
chmod +x cava.sh gamemode.sh notify-send.sh powermenu.sh volume.sh wallselect.sh waybar.sh
pywal will not work out of the box here a way to fix this
- generate pywal color for all the wallpapers first. for example...
wal -i ~/.config/hypr/wallpapers/phony.jpg -s
all the wallpapers can be found inside ~/.config/hypr/wallpapers
edit color scheme json file that you generate(the file are located in ~/.cache/wal/schemes). change color0 color with these color...
burning_cherry.jpeg = #E78284
camera.jpg = #E4C890
phony.jpg = #bb9af7
relax.jpg = #81C8Be
waifu_pink.png = #DF95A5
wired.png = #8CAAEE
- edit the waybar style.css
@import url('file:///home/rifqi/.cache/wal/colors-waybar.css');
change rifqi into your username
- use GTK Settings(nwg-look)
- Widget: catppuccin-machiato-mauve-standard+default
- default font: 0xProto Nerd Font Regular
- color scheme: prefer dark
- Icon: Tela Circle dracula dark
- Cursor: Vimix Cursor - White
git clone https://github.com/Rifqi2007c/firefox-css.git