I took it upon myself to rewrite the original node module developed by the creators of ZeroPi, which can be found here.
The function names are the same, and so are the arguments passed to them. I just felt like the original code needed 'a bit of work'.
You will need the following:
- A Raspberry Pi (I have tested it on a RPi 2)
- A ZeroPi
- A Power Supply (To run motor(s), I scavenged a 12v 1A DC PSU off an old Linksys router)
- A Power Supply (To run the RPi)
The rest is up to you, I bought a Nema 23 Stepper motor and a stepper motor driver online to start me off.
You will need the following:
- An operating system on your RPi (I used Raspbian Jessie)
- Node v5+
I will include the process I went through to get it all working, as I had a lot of trial and error. Hopefully it will help someone out in the same situation.
I followed the steps shown here
When you first log in you will need to stop Raspbian using the serial ports, so they are free for you to use.
- In the terminal:
sudo raspi-config
- Select 'Advanced Options'
- Select 'Serial'
- Select 'No'
You will need to restart for the settings to take effect. Once rebooted you will have full control over the serial ports.
The ZeroPi requires firmware to be uploaded to it via the Arduino IDE. I had to do this bit on windows, because I couldn't get the board connected on Mac OSX (El Capitan).
Follow the steps shown here
Follow the steps shown here
Once you have completed the setup of the Raspberry Pi and the ZeroPi has it's firmware uploaded, you can connect them together.
If you have your own way of setting up node feel free to do it your way. I did the following:
- In terminal:
sudo apt-get install npm
- Once npm is installed get 'n' which is a node version manager:
sudo npm install n -g
- Once 'n' is installed get the latest version of node:
n latest
This should download and install the latest version of node. To check: node --version
(as of today that will be 6.0.0)
This will detail the setup of your application. If you know how to do this already, skip to Basic Usage.
- Create a folder for your app in a location of your choice:
mkdir MyApp
- Enter the directory:
cd MyApp
- Initialise npm in the app:
npm init
- Fill in all the details to suit (or hit enter until finished to get a basic setup)
- Use npm to install the
module:npm install zeropi --save
(this will save the reference to the module in your package.json file) - Create an index.js (or whatever you want to name it)
npm install zeropi --save
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// The serial port has been opened successfully
// We can do the business in here
zeropi.stepperRun(0, 1000);
Note: you must always call the main methods after the serial port has been opened. Doing it before will have no effect
Devices work differently based on what you are targeting:
- 0 = Slot 1 (1A+, 1A-)
- 1 = Slot 2 (1B+, 1B-)
- 2 = Slot 3 (2A+, 2A-)
- 3 = Slot 4 (2B+, 2B-)
- and so on...
- 0 = Slot 1 (1A+, 1A-, 1B+, 1B-)
- 1 = Slot 2 (2A+, 2A-, 2B+, 2B-)
- 2 = Slot 3 (3A+, 3A-, 3B+, 3B-)
- 3 = Slot 4 (4A+, 4A-, 4B+, 4B-)
- 0 = A0
- 1 = A1
- 2 = A2
- 3 = A3
- 4 = MO
- 5 = MI
- 6 = SCK
- 7 = SDA
- 8 = SCL
The methods mirror the original module exactly. I will list them here for convenience.
digitalWrite(pin, level)
- Pin: number (I don't know what the range is at the moment...)
- Level: number
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Turn the blue LED off
zeropi.digitalWrite(13, 0);
// Turn it back on after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => zeropi.digitalWrite(13, 1), 5000);
pwmWrite(pin, pwm)
See here for an explanation of PWM
- Pin: number (I don't know what the range is at the moment...)
- PWM: -255 - 255
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Use pwm to flash the led
zeropi.digitalWrite(13, 64);
digitalRead(pin, callback)
- Pin: number (I don't know what the range is at the moment...)
- Callback: function
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Get the level of pin 13
zeropi.digitalRead(13, level => {
console.log('Read: ', level);
analogRead(pin, callback)
- Pin: number (I don't know what the range is at the moment...)
- Callback: function
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Get the level of pin 1
zeropi.analogRead(1, level => {
console.log('Read: ', level);
dcMotorRun(device, pwm)
See here for an explanation of PWM
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
- PWM: -255 - 255
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Run the motor on slot 1 at 25% Duty Cycle
zeropi.dcMotorRun(0, 64);
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Stop DC motor in slot 1
stepperRun(device, speed)
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
- Speed: 0 - 20000
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Run stepper motor continuosly on slot 1 at speed 1000
zeropi.stepperRun(0, 1000);
stepperMove(device, distance, speed, callback)
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
- Distance: Any number (both positive and negative)
- Speed: 0 - 20000
- Callback: function
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Move stepper motor in slot 1 1000 steps at speed 1000
zeropi.stepperMove(0, 1000, 1000, () => {
console.log('Stepper motor move complete');
stepperMoveTo(device, position, speed, callback)
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
- Position: Any number (both positive and negative)
- Speed: 0 - 20000
- Callback: function
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Move stepper motor in slot 1 to position 1000 steps at speed 1000
zeropi.stepperMoveTo(0, 1000, 1000, () => {
console.log('Stepper motor move to complete');
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Stop stepper motor in slot 1
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Enable all stepper motors
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Disable all stepper motors
stepperSetting(device, microstep, acceleration)
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
- Microstep: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
- Acceleration: 0 - 20000
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Set settings for stepper motor in slot 1
zeropi.stepperSetting(0, 2, 1000);
servoRun(device, angle)
- Device: see How Devices/Pins Work
- Angle: 0 - 180
const ZeroPi = require('zeropi');
const zeropi = new ZeroPi();
zeropi.onOpen(() => {
// Move servo on pins A0 to 90 degrees
zeropi.servoRun(0, 90);
At a stretch I am a beginner when it comes to electronics, I am a software developer by trade. Most of my information has been gleaned via Google searches... So I welcome feedback.
If you want to make a contribution to improve any aspect of this node module please feel free to put up a pull request. I will try to keep the module as up to date as possible.