- install poetry to your system if haven't already got it (https://python-poetry.org/)
- navigate to root (where the "pyproject.toml" file is located)
- poetry install
- poetry run play
- Multiple animated towers and animated firing platforms and projectiles.
- Direct fire and splash damage towers.
- Various animated mobs with their own stats and difficulty.
- Stats of mobs increase with each wave.
- Tower independant targetting modes selectable in realtime by the player (speed[fast or slow], health[high or low], distance from base etc).
- Random path offsets to give natural feel to spawning.
- Interactable, seeking behaviors to coins.
- Menus for buying towers and upgrading towers.
- Pause, resume from the main menu.
- Added wave generation into seperate file/function
- Change size/Colors and image of main main.
- Added visual feedback when hovering over construction hammer and towers.
- Buffed fire tower damage by 10%.
- Reduced fire speed of stone tower by 25%.
- Big clear out of obsolete code and functions
- Renamed and restructured code (1st pass)
Credit: SN33DS - for the endless wave setup