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Morpheus Being edited this page May 11, 2016 · 6 revisions

If you find any bugs, or if you experience any crashes, then we would very much like to hear about the issue. Here are some detailed information on how to submit useful bug reports.

Follow the bugs policy.

Is it truly a new bug?

It may sound strange, but many of the bug reports we get are not really bugs at all, or have been know for months, and/or already fixed.

Please check the following:


Are you using the latest version of RetroShare?

Bug reports on older versions of RetroShare are likely to be ignored, because changes in the program may make it impossible to reproduce the bug, or may even have fixed it. Always make sure the issue you want to report is still present in the current version of RetroShare.


Some things are simply NOT implemented at RetroShare. You might want to make a feature request to ask the developers to support this. Remember that we all do this in our spare time. There is no time-line whatsoever for the implementation of these enhancements and we do not make ANY promises as to when we will add them to RetroShare, if ever. If you really want something right now, you had best implement it yourself.

Known bugs

Many bugs are already known. Sometimes they are already fixed for the next version of RetroShare or yet to solve but already reported so before filling a potentially duplicated please take a look at the issues list.

Still a bug?

So you still think you found a bug? Great!

What If I Have a Crash/Bug?

The developers need your feedback. On Gnu/Linux, you can do this by;

If RetroShare was running and locked or crashed:

  • at terminal prompt, find PID by ps -eaf | grep -i retroshare06

  • at prompt start gdb

  • <gdb> set logging on gdb.txt

  • <gdb> attach [PID]

  • <gdb> thread apply all bt full

  • <gdb> Continue pressing ENTER until all threads written to the log file

  • <gdb> thread apply all bt full 10

  • <gdb> quit


  • at prompt, start gdb

  • <gdb> set logging on

  • <gdb> handle SIGPIPE ignore nopass nostop noprint

  • <gdb> exec-file ./RetroShare06

  • <gdb> run

  • when and if RetroShare hangs, press CTRL+C

  • <gdb> thread apply all bt trace full

  • Keep pressing Enter to extract all the stack information to the log file

  • <gdb> thread apply all bt trace full 10 ← This extracts top 10 threads, is optional

  • <gdb> quit

Now create issue, and copy/paste the contents of gdb.txt to the issue.

Read more online about advanced gdb usage

If you want a gui for gdb try QtCreator. In QtCreator you don’t have to remember line numbers to set breakpoints, you can set them with a single click.

To attempt to find the issue, before <gdb> quit,

  • <gdb> info threads

  • <gdb> thread [1..10]

  • <gdb> bt

If you find the same information in two threads, eureka, you have found the problem. Report it by adding information to an existing issue or create a new issue.

Create a new issue

If you are sure that you found a bug and that you have all information needed, you can enter a bug in our Tracker please provide as much information as possible in your report, including operating system and version, Qt version and RetroShare06 revision. We try to answer all your reports, but there are so many that sometimes we simply don’t have the time to do so. The more details you provide about your issue, the better the chance that we will investigate it fully.