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deruelle edited this page Dec 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Table of Contents

Service Description

Application that can be used to alert a phone number that an event has occured.

This application was developped so that the JBoss RHQ/Jopr Enterprise Management Solution would be able to notify system administrators when a monitoring alert is fired by Jopr/RHQ

More information can be found on heiko's blog or on the following online presentation

The intent is to have multiple communication channels to alert people through Twitter, SMS, Phone calls, XMPP etc...

So the application features one context path per communication channel :

  * SMS is on http://host :port /alerting-app/sms : an SMS is send to the phone number
  * Phone calls is on http://host :port /alerting-app/sms : a Phone call is placed to the phone number and the callee can give feedback by pressing phone buttons

Each Servlet for a Communication Channel takes the mandatory following arguments :

  * alertId : the id of the alert (by example 12345)
  * tel : the phone number you want to dial ( by example sip:[email protected]:5060 for a SIP Phone or sip:[email protected] for a phone call going through the callwithus VoIP provider)
  * alertText : the text of the alert (by example Server 1 on Cluster Mobicents is overloaded, press 1 to restart, press 2 to stop...)

How to activate it

From the binary

Download the latest version of the war file corresponding to this example from here

Drop the downloaded war file into your tomcat_home/webapps directory or jboss_home/server/default/deploy directory Get the corresponding dar configuration file.

To understand what the dar configuration file is used for, check the Application Router Documentation .

Drop it in your tomcat_home/conf/dars directory or jboss_home/server/default/conf/dars directory.

To use this dar file for this service, specify in the Service xml tag, darConfigurationFileLocation attribute of the tomcat_home/conf/server.xml file or jboss_home/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/server.xml , the following : conf/dars/

You can now run your container (Tomcat or Jboss).

From the source

Please check out the speed dial example located under this location from the svn repository. Just call mvn clean install war:inplace to create the war file in the target directory

How to play with it

Depending on which alert you want to try hit one of the following test pages :

  * SMS : http://localhost:8080/alerting-app/send-sms-alert-test.html (you will need to open an account with Esendex and modify the web.xml to enter your credentials)
  * Phone calls : http://localhost:8080/alerting-app/send-alert-test.html (if you need to call out to a real phone you will need to open an account with Call With Us or an online VoIP"provider and modify the web.xml to enter your credentials)