Releases: RecursivePineapple/MatterManipulator
What's Changed
- Prevent AE & uplink from doubling stored items by @RecursivePineapple in #39
- Fix covers (due to api change) & facades by @RecursivePineapple in #42
- Reset gt machine colours when removing them by @RecursivePineapple in #43
- Fix scanner recipes (temporarily) by @Breviel in GTNewHorizons#2
- Fixed errors due to cover API change
- Fix encoded patterns showing up in plans
- Remove param hatches (was removed upstream)
- Reset stack when resetting transform
- Improve block sorting when building by @RecursivePineapple in #44
- Add me output emptying & mk3 speed configs by @RecursivePineapple in #45
- Fix maintenance hatch rotating by @RecursivePineapple in #48
- Improve AE upgrade installation by @RecursivePineapple in #49
- Fix ME Output & QC Rack filling by @RecursivePineapple in #50
- Move recipes to coremod by @serenibyss in GTNewHorizons#3
- Allow insertions into multi controller slot by @RecursivePineapple in #52
Full Changelog: v0.1.1+nightly...v0.1.2+nightly
- Fixed laser hatch exchanging (#37)
- Prevent AE & uplink from doubling stored items (#39)
- Reset gt machine colours when removing them (#43)
- Fix encoded patterns showing up in plans
- Reset stack when resetting transform
- Improve block sorting when building (#44)
- Add me output emptying & mk3 speed configs (#45)
- Fix maintenance hatch rotating (#48)
- Improve AE upgrade installation (#49)
- Fix ME Output & QC Rack filling (#50)
- Allow insertions into multi controller slot (#52)
Full Changelog: v0.1.1+2.7.x...v0.1.2+2.7.x
v0.1.1+2.7.x: Fixed laser hatch exchanging (#37)
What's Changed
- Improved exchanging by @RecursivePineapple in #30
- Prevent AE cable removal when replace impossible by @RecursivePineapple in #31
- Cleanup by @RecursivePineapple in #32
- Improved rendering by @RecursivePineapple in #33
- cleanup by @RecursivePineapple in #34
- Minor renderer + keybinding fixes by @RecursivePineapple in #35
- Mitigate keybind conflicts by @RecursivePineapple in #36
- Fixed laser hatch exchanging by @RecursivePineapple in #37
Full Changelog: v0.1.0+2.7.x...v0.1.1+2.7.x
What's Changed
- Improved exchanging by @RecursivePineapple in #30
- Prevent AE cable removal when replace impossible by @RecursivePineapple in #31
- Cleanup by @RecursivePineapple in #32
- Improved rendering by @RecursivePineapple in #33
- cleanup by @RecursivePineapple in #34
- Add ME hatch 'connect to any side' copying by @RecursivePineapple in #21
- Minor renderer + keybinding fixes by @RecursivePineapple in #35
- Mitigate keybind conflicts by @RecursivePineapple in #36
- Fixed laser hatch exchanging by @RecursivePineapple in #37
Full Changelog: v0.1.0+nightly...v0.1.1+nightly
Note: the version bump doesn't mean anything, I'm just switching to a proper versioning system.
Note 2: there's a problem with GTNH-Intergalactic's dyson casings not breaking properly, you'll need this update to fix it: (should be included in the nightlies)
What's Changed
- Improve planning error messages by @RecursivePineapple in #19
- Add laser hatch amp copying by @RecursivePineapple in #20
- Changed uplink errors to print every build tick by @RecursivePineapple in #22
- Added uplink stocking hatch support by @RecursivePineapple in #23
- Nerf uplink plasma costs (8x the cost) by @RecursivePineapple in #24
- Minor moving fixes by @RecursivePineapple in #25
- Added GalaxySpace mod entry by @RecursivePineapple in #28
Full Changelog: v0.0.15+nightly...v0.1.0+nightly
Note: the version bump doesn't mean anything, I'm just switching to a proper versioning system.
What's Changed
- Improve planning error messages by @RecursivePineapple in #19
- Add laser hatch amp copying by @RecursivePineapple in #20
- Changed uplink errors to print every build tick by @RecursivePineapple in #22
- Added uplink stocking hatch support by @RecursivePineapple in #23
- Nerf uplink plasma costs (8x the cost) by @RecursivePineapple in #24
- Minor moving fixes by @RecursivePineapple in #25
- Added GalaxySpace mod entry by @RecursivePineapple in #28
- GTNH-Intergalactic dyson casings hack by @RecursivePineapple in #27
- Used the wrong mod for dyson casings by @RecursivePineapple in #29
Full Changelog: v0.0.15+2.7.x...v0.1.0+2.7.x
What's Changed
- Add integration for FloodLights by @DCNick3 in #16
- Changed moving to skip air blocks
- Fixed Avaritia autocrafter dupe
- Fix class load error for uplinks
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.14-pre...v0.0.15+nightly
What's Changed
- Add integration for FloodLights by @DCNick3 in #16
- Changed moving to skip air blocks
- Fixed Avaritia autocrafter dupe
- Fix class load error for uplinks
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.0.14-pre...v0.0.15+2.7.x
Important notice: This is a prerelease because I rewrote a few core components of the block system. I've tested this as well as I can, but I'm sure I missed some stuff, so expect crashes.
Please make a backup before upgrading, because the NBT format has changed and this version isn't backwards compatible with <v0.0.13. Any picked blocks will be erased due to the NBT format needed by the block randomization system.
Change summary:
- Added block randomization to geometry (gated behind MMB+sneaking until I update the radial menu)
- Added rotating to most vanilla blocks (everything that matters)
- Added block picking for ArchitectureCraft blocks in the geometry mode (will save rotations)
- Fixed ArchitectureCraft block transforming (will now rotate/flip properly)
- Added sign, repeater, vanilla rail, etc copying
- Fixed cover tick rate copying
- Fixed exchanging removing blocks when there aren't enough items
- Fixed cables (hopefully for the last time)
- Improved AE & GT cable replacing (AE will keep existing parts, GT will keep existing covers)
- proper cloning
- block state emulation layer
- block property copying
- update
- fix drawer rotating
- architecturecraft rotating
- move PendingBlock
- update readme
- Update
- block spec
- fix block exchanging w/ insufficient items
- arch. block picking & placing in geom modes
- fix NPE
- clean up
- reduce nbt size + misc archcraft fixes
- RIP TileAnalysisResult
- fix cables yet again
- fix cover tick rate copying
- copy repeater delay
- improve block spec null handling
- fix chest facing property
- update readme
- misc cleanup
- compat PR got merged :LETSFUCKINGGOOOOOO:
- fix AAL flipping
- mitigate item deletion bugs
- prevent building outside of y=0,255
- fix item deletion bug
- improve special inventory logic
- refactor me hatch emptying
- special inventories bug fix
- ae tile colouring
- block & item util classes
- use new util classes
- fix cable mode erasing ae parts
- wireless connector colour resetting
- improve transform ui
- make ore check more robust
- remove ic2 hard dep
- add durability bar when not using gt
- fix spawner drops
- disable spotless