This is a plug and play library for Screeps speedrunning. It's supposed to display useful information for various runs so the data is more easily accessible.
- Display GCL data, recording duration as well as (overall) avg. controller progress per tick per level
- Display current level's progress, time and controller progress (last 100 ticks by default), as well as estimate next RCL up as per available data
Import the module to your codebase and use the run
method to execute it where convenient. This could look like the following:
const speedrunSuite = require("speedrun.suite");
mainLoop() {
// other code{ position: { x: 1, y: 25 }, avgDuration: 250 });
- position (x: int, y: int): the position you want to display the room visuals at, x = y = 1 by default
- avgDuration (int): the average duration you want to use for estimate CP calculations
- startTime (int): sets the start time to be referenced as spawn time. Debug only, dont use for actual runs!
- maxRCL (int): the max RCL you want to display
- showPastMax (bool): whether or not you want to display data past the maxRCL (goal)
The suite does not take care of invalidating data from old runs, it's up to you to reset Memory as required!