To develop a cool feature in the smart-TV that can recognise five different gestures performed by the user which will help users control the TV without using a remote.
The gestures are continuously monitored by the webcam mounted on the TV.
Thumbs up: Increase the volume
Thumbs down: Decrease the volume
Left swipe: 'Jump' backwards 10 seconds
Right swipe: 'Jump' forward 10 seconds
Stop: Pause the movie
The training data consists of a few hundred videos categorised into one of the five classes. Each video (typically 2-3 seconds long) is divided into a sequence of 30 frames(images). These videos have been recorded by various people performing one of the five gestures in front of a webcam - similar to what the smart TV will use.
Two Architectures: 3D Convs and CNN-RNN Stack:
CNN + RNN Stack architecture : One is the standard CNN + RNN architecture in which you pass the images of a video through a CNN which extracts a feature vector for each image, and then pass the sequence of these feature vectors through an RNN.
3D Convs : The other popular architecture used to process videos is a natural extension of CNNs - a 3D convolutional network.
There are a few key things to note about the conv-RNN architecture:
You can use transfer learning in the 2D CNN layer rather than training your own CNN GRU can be a better choice than an LSTM since it has lesser number of gates (and thus parameters).