Glue Python code for Geolog and SolverViz.
This program's purpose is to provide a simple command to run the whole pipeline with:
- Geolog, the geometric construction description language
- A formal geometric construction solver supported by Geolog and which can export its construction program in the SolveViz format
- SolverViz, which can export the generic format to a specific graphic backend
- The corresponding graphic backend
The program can be launched with python3 src/ [OPTIONS] <input_file>
The <input_file>
, or you can use the wrapper script with
./run [OPTIONS] <input_file>
, which will redirect the output to a log file.
Note that the options must be provided before the positional argument.
The program currently uses getopt
to fetch the options, which is pretty
limited in this regard.
In order to run the program with certain arguments by default, you can create
a configuration file named geoviz.conf
in the working directory.
The configuration file is a just a single line with options, for example, if SolverViz and Geolog are located in the parent directory, the following options can be specified in the configuration file:
--geolog_path ../Geolog/ --solverviz_path ../SolverViz