Intro to the repository goes here.
Short version for downloading and installing binaries when available.
What is required to install the software from the source.
Instructions for building and installing the softeware from the source.
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
Instructions on how to get started with the software once installed.
Sample templates, example commands, etc...
something something run
Examples of outputs that can be expected.
$ example command
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> Private template (UUID: 01875f67-4eb5-4d90-982c-d7a164646fcb, Title: packer-builder-1468327456-disk1-template-1468327515)
Expanding on available documentation
What to do if you spot a bug? Open a new issue here.
How to contribute to the software. Forking and pull requests.
This project is distributed under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for more information.