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1854 implementation

Game Setup

  • Player Money: 3, 4, 5, 6 players: 860, 650, 525, 450: Config in xml

  • Auction order: Außerfernbahn, Murtalbahn, Graz-Koeflacher Bahn, Mariazellerbahn (1), Kernhofer Bahn (2), Ybbstaler Bahn (3), Steyrtalbahn (4), Phymbahn (5), Salzkammergutbahn (6), Arlbergbahn, Semmeringbahn

Mountain Railways

  • Are private companies with fixed income: Config in xml
  • Count as certificates: Config in xml
  • Cannot be sold: Config in xml
  • Special properties enabled for companies of the owner: Config in xml
  • Allow to lay a yellow tile on their hex for free, but counts as the standard tile lay (so extra=no): Config in xml
  • Privates close at start of phase 5: Config in xml


  • price = 20, income = 5, hex = E5
  • Provide discount=20 for laying a tile on a mountain hex: config in xml


  • price = 50, income = 10, hex = F16
  • Provide discount=40 for laying a tunnel: config in xml

Graz-Koeflacher Bahn

  • price = 70, income = 15, hex = F20
  • Allows to lay a bonus token on Graz (F22): increases value of Graz by 10. Bonus token remove at start of phase 5: config in xml


  • price = 170, income = 20, hex = F4
  • Comes with 20% of Vorarlbergbahn (VB): config in xml
  • Closes as soon as VB runs it first train => this is new!


  • price = 190, income = 25, hex = E23
  • Comes with 20% of Suedbahn (SD): config in xml
  • Closes as soon as SD runs it first train => this is new!

Local Railways

Local (private) Railways

  • Minor company (single certificate), cost 150: config in xml
  • Two train max: config in xml
  • Two stations max: config in mxml
  • Always share revenue: config in xml
  • Can only run "+"-Trains => define a RevenueModifier, as other companies can own all type of trains
  • No train obligation => no forced selling: config in xml
  • Only act on region map => by definition of home hexes: config in xml
  • No mail contracts => mail contracts are new anyway!
  • Merge to local (public) railways: Either voluntarily in Phase 5, or enforced in Phase 6

Private to Public merge of Local Railways

  • After start of phase 5 merger is possible if both owners agree.
  • Only at the start or end of an Operating Round (e.g. always start and in addition at the end of OR before a SR)
  • President certificate of the new local (public) railway always goes to the previous owner of the local private railway with the lower number
  • President chooses if it operates as A,B or C local public railway
  • Start price is 67, plus trains are discarded from the game, standard trains to the pool
  • Tokens return to the company
  • At the start of its OR the company chooses either Steyer or St-Pölten as home
  • Unclear: "Sollte auf diesem Feld noch kein Gleisteil liegen oder nur ein gelbes Gleisteil platziert worden sein, darf sie das entsprechende Feld des Österreich-Plans mit den grünen Gleisteilen 14, 15 oder 619 ausbauen, bis dort ein Platz für einen Bahnhofsmarker zur Verfügung steht." Does this imply that always a green tile is laid? Or that it allows upgrading until green if it is required to have a slot available?
  • After start of phase 6 merger is forced, if directors cannot agree (Q: when exactly, after buying the first 6 or at the start/end of the OR?)
  • Forced merging merges in number order
  • After all companies have merged, tiles of the mini-map are returned to game

This requires specific coding of the merger process.

Local (public) Railways

  • Public company with 2 50% certificates, start with 67 price on stock market
  • May only own 2, 3, 4 trains that have been rusted: this is new!

Start Auction

  • Identical to 1830 start auction
  • Pass means out of auction (=> default for GameOption)
  • Unclear: "Spieler links zum zuletzt agierenden Spieler erhält das Erstkaufrecht". What is the meaning of "agieren"? Includes Bidding and Passing?

Stock Round


  • Only SELL, BUY: config in xml
  • Both selling and buying keeps the SR alive: default
  • For each certificate sold share price moves one cell down/left: part of the new stock chart
  • No pool limit (except that director share): config in xml
  • There are three bank portfolios: IPO (buying at par price), Pool (buying at market price) and Split Shares (buying at market price): Split shares work like buying from the treasury of the company in other games. Idea: Keep that in line and have split shares in company's treasury.
  • Certificate limit per company: 60%, but only after share split: this is dynamic and has to be triggered, add!

Starting companies

  • Par prices: 67, 72, 77, 82, 87, 93
  • Companies float at 50%
  • Home token is laid in first OR of that company, must(?) lay tile on home hex
  • Full (100%) capitalization

Option Buying

  • Each player can have a single (open) option purchase
  • Buys 20% of a public company from Pool or IPO, but pays only for 10%
  • The purchase price is saved, the other 10% have to paid for at that price
  • As long as the option is open, no other share can be bought
  • By paying for the remaining 10% the option is closed, this counts as the one purchase of the player for this turn
  • Player is only allowed to sell the option in the next stock round (by standard rules), this closes the option
  • Shares bought via option are converted to 10% shares during a split, however no compensation paid by the bank (as player has only 10%), this closes the option
  • Shares bought via option are treated to be fully in players hand for price raises at the end of the SR

Option buying is a new element and has to be implemented.

Certificate Limit

Certificate Limit changes with number of companies with split shares. Thus a share split triggers a change of the certificate limit. This has to be added.

Companies 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 Players
3 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24
4 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12

Stock Market

The stock market features a hexagonal structure. This is new and has to be added.

Possible stock price movements:

  • Pay dividend => Move right (end of row, move diagonal up+right)
  • Withhold => Move left (end of row, move diagonal down+left)
  • Sold out at end of SR => Move diagonal up+right
  • Each share sold => Move diagonal down+left
  • Buys train from other company => Move diagonal up+left: this is new
  • Sells train to other company => Move diagonal down+right: this is new

Share splitting

  • Triggered by exceeding the "red" line on the stock market
  • Existing certificates nominal is halved
  • Players get compensated by the bank according to the current stock price
  • Additional certificates are issued into the Split Section of the Bank (or Treasury) Implementation: This requires special coding, consider refactoring with 1856?

Operating Rounds

Possible actions during company turn:

  1. Collect income from mail contract (new, automatic)
  2. Lay Tile
  3. Lay Token
  4. Run Trains
  5. Distribute Revenue
  6. Buy Trains
  7. Buy Mail Contract (new)

Mail Contracts

Two types:

  • Income of small: 10/20/30/40
  • Income of large: 30/40/50/60
  • Every company (except local private companies) may own one mail contract Implementation: Most likely as a special right

Lay Tiles

  • permissive Upgrade: configure in xml!
  • 3 hexes west of Wien: Track to Wien has to be continued: needs to be implemented as tile lay modifier (similar to 1880 bejing)
  • Building track heading into gray hexes is allowed (continuation with tunnel possible): define gray hexes accordingly

Tunnel lays

  • In addition to standard tile lays, costs 100 (Q: ignores terrain costs otherwise?)
  • Not in hexes with large stations, otherwise on any hex
  • Overlays other tiles, but no tunnel entry at sides with track connection
  • Has to continue a track that leads into the hex (Q: has not to be connected to the network of the building company?)
  • Two tunnels possible, but no crossing (Q: what about three tunnels: straight and 2 narrow curves?)
  • Upgrading of tile still allowed, but no new track on sides with tunnel entry


  • Tunnel lays are special tile (extra, cost=100) lays, however they require the definition of a "overlay" tile
  • Two tunnels on one hex can be defined as (tunnel) tile upgrade
  • There need to be specific coding to check the allowed rotations

Lay Tokens

  • costs are 40, 100: configure in xml!
  • additional token of local (public) railways is 50: configure in xml!
  • homes have one slot reserved: check in map and configure accordingly in xml!
  • St Poelten and Steyr (home of local public railways) are blocked until the first operation of all local public railways: this requires a trigger to unblock Remark: The local public railways have to be exempt to the block, as they lay a token there in their first round of operation...

Run Trains

  • Plus trains: Run the number of large station and an infinite number of small stations: configure in xml!
  • Orient express: can skip stations: configure in xml!
  • Paris and Konstatinopel: only Orient express has access: RevenueModifier!
  • Custom marker: Deduct 10 from revenue: configure as (negative) RevenueBonus in xml!

Distribute Revenue

  • Local (private) railways: 50%/50%: config in xml!
  • Other (public) railways: payout or withhold
  • Revenue of all shares in IPO/Pool/Treasury (Split) is kept by the Bank: config in xml!

Buy Trains

  • From phase 3 on train buying between companies allowed: config in xml!
  • Train buying/selling changes stock prices: see above, new!
  • "Plus" trains can only be operated by local private railways: has to be implemented as a RevenueModifier!
  • Local public railways operate (previously rusted) renewed trains. Those trains are exclusive to the companies (and vice versa): this is new and has to be implemented correctly.

Forced Train Buying

  • All companies with a route (except local private railways) need a train: config in xml!
  • Can buy any train available, purchase price cannot exceed nominal value, no money remains in treasury
  • President uses own money, has to sell shares. No president changes allowed: config in xml!
  • Bankruptcy possible => game ends.


  • Standard phase effects: Tile colors, Trains (trading allowed, limits, rusting), Privates (buying allowed, closing), Number of ORs => configure in xml
  • Only one 4 train in bank before a SR: remove that train from bank
  • Local railways merger at phase 5 (voluntary), phase 6 (forced)

End of Game

  • Bank runs out of money
  • Full set of OR is played: config in xml!