A Discord bot for adding slash commands to PoracleJS.
Join the Discord server for any help and to keep up with updates: https://discord.gg/USxvyB9QTz
Current Features:
Add custom alerts for:
- Pokemon
- Incidents
- Lures
- Quests
- Raids (Specfic forms currently don't work with api)
Add/remove areas
View area outlines
Set location
Change profile
Remove individual alerts
Only English is currently supported
Only for user alerts (Channels not supported)
1: PoracleJS
git clone https://github.com/RagingRectangle/Chatot.git
cd Chatot
cp -r config.json.example config.json
npm install
token: Discord token used for Poracle bot. Poracle:
secret: apiSecret
host: IP address
port: Port
database: Poracle database info
ignoreTemplates: List names of any templates you don't want to appear as options.
xxxCommand: Slash command names. Leave blank if you don't want to include it.
EverythingElse: Just a placeholder, will be filled out with api.
- Start the bot in a console with
node chatot.js
- Can (should) use PM2 to run instead with
pm2 start chatot.js
- All commands should be done in DMs with the bot.
Adding Pokemon:
Removing Pokemon: