This Node.js code example showcases the powerful new feature of OpenAI - Function Calling. Function Calling enables developers to interact more reliably with external tools and APIs, including weather information APIs. By describing functions, the model can intelligently output a JSON object containing the necessary arguments for the function call.
Before running this code, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
- Node.js installed (version 14 or higher)
- OpenAI API key
- Weather API key (used for the actual weather data)
Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.
Install dependencies by running the following command:
npm install
- Create a .env file in the project root directory and add the following environment variables:
Replace your_openai_api_key with your actual OpenAI API key and your_weather_api_key with your actual weather API key.
To use the code, you can run the following command:
npm start
This will execute the run_conversation function and retrieve weather information using OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo model and the weather API.
The code starts by calling the OpenAI API with a user query and a set of defined functions. If the model decides to call a function, it invokes the get_current_weather function, which makes a request to the weather API to retrieve weather data for the specified location. The weather information is then returned as a JSON string.
The code uses the response from the OpenAI API to extract the weather information and prints it to the console.
If you want to customize the code for your specific use case, you can modify the following parts:
Weather API: In the get_current_weather function, you can replace the API URL and response parsing logic with your actual weather API implementation.
This code is released under the MIT License.