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A rust-lang compiler tool adding support for automated borrow-aware context passing


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A rust-lang compiler tool adding support for automated borrow-aware context passing.

autoken::cap! {
    pub MyCap = Vec<u32>;

fn main() {
    let mut my_vec = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];

    autoken::cap! {
        MyCap: &mut my_vec

fn do_something() {

fn with_indirection() {
    let my_vec = autoken::cap!(ref MyCap);
    let first_three = &my_vec[0..3];
    eprintln!("The first three elements were {first_three:?}");

fn add_number(number: u32) {
    autoken::cap!(mut MyCap).push(number);
error: conflicting borrows on token MyCap
  --> src/
20 |     let my_vec = autoken::cap!(ref MyCap);
   |                  ------------------------ value first borrowed immutably
21 |     let first_three = &my_vec[0..3];
22 |     add_number(5);
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value later borrowed mutably
   = help: first borrow originates from Borrows::<Mut<MyCap>>::acquire_ref::<'_>
   = help: later borrow originates from add_number


AuToken is both a custom compiler plugin called cargo-autoken and a regular cargo crate called autoken whose documentation you are currently reading. It is possible to compile projects using autoken with a stock rustc compiler since cargo-autoken only modifies the compiler's validation logic—not its code generation logic. However, this will be terribly unsound since no validation will actually occur!

To fix that, let's actually install and use cargo-autoken.

Currently, AuToken must be installed directly through the AuToken git repository. To install the tool, clone the repository, enter its root directory, and run...

cargo install -Z bindeps --path src/cargo

Now that cargo-autoken is installed, let's set up a project.

Project Setup

AuToken requires a very specific version of the Rust compiler to work. Let's pin our project to that version by creating a rust-toolchain.toml file in your project's root directory.

channel = "nightly-2024-03-10"

Next, let's install the autoken crate from the AuToken git repository. We can do this by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml file:

autoken = { git = "", rev = "<optional pinned revision>" }

Finally, let's create a script to compile and run the project. You can any task runner you like, such as Makefile or just. This example script is a Makefile —you can create an equivalent Justfile by removing the .PHONY directive.

.PHONY: run, run-unchecked

	cargo autoken check
	cargo run

	cargo run

And that it! Have fun!

High-Level Usage

The easiest way to use AuToken is through the cap! macro. cap! allows users to define, provide, and fetch a new implicitly-passed context item sometimes called a "capability."

Let's start by defining our first capability:

autoken::cap! {
    pub MyCap = Vec<u32>;

From there, we can define functions that depend on that value.

fn add_number(value: u32) {
    // This form of `cap!` fetches a reference to the value from the function call context.
    autoken::cap!(mut MyCap).push(value);

    // You can call other functions depending on this context without having to explicitly
    // forward it.
    eprintln!("The list is now {:?}, skip a few, {:?}", first_n_numbers(2), last_number());

fn last_number() -> Option<u32> {
    autoken::cap!(ref MyCap).last().copied()

fn first_n_numbers<'a>(count: usize) -> &'a [u32] {
    // This directive, meanwhile, declares the fact that `'a` depends on a borrow of `MyCap`.
    autoken::tie!('a => ref MyCap);

    &autoken::cap!(ref MyCap)[0..count]

To be able to call those functions, we need to inject an actual Vec<u32> instance into the MyCap context. We can do so using one final form of cap!:

fn main() {
    autoken::cap! {
        MyCap: &mut vec![1, 2, 3]
        eprintln!("The last number is {:?}", last_number());
        eprintln!("Our four numbers are {:?}", first_n_numbers(4));

AuToken can inject context through any static call site, even if it's a trait method or even an externally-defined function. For example, this works because we're "passing" the MyCap reference through the closure every time it's called...

autoken::cap! {
    pub MyCap = Vec<u32>;

fn call_two(a: impl FnOnce(), b: impl FnOnce()) {

fn demo() {
        || autoken::cap!(mut MyCap).push(3),
        || autoken::cap!(mut MyCap).push(4),

...while this code fails to compile because both closures need to capture my_cap:

fn demo() {
    let mut my_values = vec![1, 2];

        || my_values.push(3),
        || my_values.push(4),
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `my_values` as mutable more than once at a time
  --> src/
10 |     call_two(
   |     -------- first borrow later used by call
11 |         || my_values.push(3),
   |         -- --------- first borrow occurs due to use of `my_values` in closure
   |         |
   |         first mutable borrow occurs here
12 |         || my_values.push(4),
   |         ^^ --------- second borrow occurs due to use of `my_values` in closure
   |         |
   |         second mutable borrow occurs here

What AuToken cannot inject through, however, is dynamically dispatched function calls. AuToken assumes that every function or trait member which has been unsized depends on nothing from its caller. Hence, if you try to unsize a function which expects a value to be in its context, the line will refuse to compile:

autoken::cap! {
    pub MyCap = u32;

fn increment_counter() {
    *autoken::cap!(mut MyCap) += 1;

fn demo() {
    // Calling `increment_counter` statically is fine, assuming `MyCap` is in the context.

    // ...but unsizing `increment_counter` is not!
    let my_func: fn() = increment_counter;
error: cannot unsize this function because it borrows unabsorbed tokens
  --> src/
11 |     let my_func: fn() = increment_counter;
   |                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = note: uses &mut MyCap.

note: increment_counter was unsized
  --> src/
4  | fn increment_counter() {
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If, for some reason, you need to "smuggle" access to a cap! past a dynamic dispatch boundary, you can use the Borrows object and its alias BorrowsOne.

Borrows is an object representing a borrow of a set of capabilities. If you have an mutable reference to it, you are effectively borrowing that entire set of capabilities mutably. You can create a Borrows object from the surrounding implicit capability context like so:

fn demo_1() {
    let borrows = autoken::BorrowsOne::<MyCap>::acquire_mut();
    let mut increment = || {
        borrows.absorb(|| {
    let increment_dyn: &mut dyn FnMut() = &mut increment;


fn demo_2() {
    let increment = |token: &mut autoken::BorrowsOne<MyCap>| {
        token.absorb(|| {
    let increment: fn(&mut autoken::BorrowsOne<MyCap>) = increment;


Low-Level Usage

Internally, cap! is not a primitive feature of AuToken. Instead, it is built entirely in-userland using thread_local! with the help of two custom analysis intrinsics: tie! and absorb.

tie! is a macro which can be used in the body of a function to declare the fact that a lifetime in the function's return type is tied to a borrow of some global token type. For example, you could write:

pub struct MySingleton {

pub fn get_singleton<'a>() -> &'a mut MySingleton {
    autoken::tie!('a => mut MySingleton);


...and no one would be able to use get_singleton to acquire multiple mutable references to MySingleton simultaneously since doing so would require borrowing the MySingleton "token" mutably more than once.

fn demo() {
    let singleton_1 = get_singleton();
    let singleton_2 = get_singleton();
    let _ = singleton_1;
error: conflicting borrows on token MySingleton
  --> src/
10 |     let singleton_1 = get_singleton();
   |                       --------------- value first borrowed mutably
11 |     let singleton_2 = get_singleton();
   |                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value later borrowed mutably
   = help: first borrow originates from get_singleton::<'_>
   = help: later borrow originates from get_singleton::<'_>

In effect, you could think of autoken::tie! as introducing a new virtual parameter to your function indicating exclusive/shared access to a given contextual resource. The code above, for example, could be logically desugared as:

pub struct MySingleton {

pub fn get_singleton<'a>(access_perms: &'a mut Token<MySingleton>) -> &'a mut MySingleton {
    //                                   ^^ this is what the `'a` means in `tie!('a => mut MySingleton)`
    //                                                ^^^^^^^^^^^ and this is what the `MySingleton` means.

fn demo(access_perms: &mut Token<MySingleton>) {
    //                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The existence of this parameter is inferred from the
    //                                        call graph. Note that its lifetime is anonymous since
    //                                        it wasn't explicitly tied to anything.
    let singleton_1 = get_singleton(access_perms);
    let singleton_2 = get_singleton(access_perms);
    let _ = singleton_1;
error[E0499]: cannot borrow `*access_perms` as mutable more than once at a time
  --> src/
17 |     let singleton_1 = get_singleton(access_perms);
   |                                     ------------ first mutable borrow occurs here
18 |     let singleton_2 = get_singleton(access_perms);
   |                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ second mutable borrow occurs here
19 |     let _ = singleton_1;
   |             ----------- first borrow later used here

But how do we ensure that these tokens actually come from somewhere like a cap! block? This is where the second mechanism comes in: absorb.

If absorb didn't exist, any attempt at running code involving a tie! directive would end in this compile-time error:

struct MySingleton {}

fn get_singleton<'a>() -> &'a mut MySingleton {
    autoken::tie!('a => mut MySingleton);

fn main() {
error: cannot use this main function because it borrows unabsorbed tokens
 --> src/
8 | fn main() {
  | ^^^^^^^^^
  = note: uses &mut MySingleton.

This is because main functions, extern functions, and unsized functions/methods are not permitted to request any tokens. Hence, in order to call a function with a tie! directive, we must somehow get rid of that request for a token. We can do that with absorb.

absorb absorbs the existence of a token's borrow, hiding it from its caller. In this case, if we wanted to give our main function the ability to call get_singleton, we could wrap the call in an absorb call like so:

struct MySingleton {}

fn get_singleton<'a>() -> &'a mut MySingleton {
    autoken::tie!('a => mut MySingleton);

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        autoken::absorb::<autoken::Mut<MySingleton>, ()>(|| {

This function is obviously unsafe since the power to hide borrows could easily break other safe abstractions such as cap!:

autoken::cap! {
    pub MyCap = Vec<u32>;

fn demo() {
    let first_three = &autoken::cap!(ref MyCap)[0..3];

    // This compiles because we don't see the mutable borrow of `MyCap` here!
    unsafe {
        autoken::absorb::<autoken::Mut<MyCap>, _>(|| {
            autoken::cap!(mut MyCap).push(3);
    eprintln!("The first three elements are: {first_three:?}");

These primitives are all that is required to implement a context-passing mechanism like cap!: the fetch form of cap! uses tie! to declare the fact that the reference it returns is tied to some context item defined outside of the function and the binding form of cap! uses absorb to indicate that borrows inside its block don't affect its caller. Feel free to read the macro's source code for all the gory details!

Semantics of Generics

AuToken takes a "substitution failure is not an error" approach to handling generics. That is, rather than checking that all possible substitutions for a generic parameter are valid as the function is first defined, it checks only the substitutions that are actually used. As an example, this function, by itself, passes AuToken's validation:

fn my_func<T, V>() {
    let a = autoken::BorrowsOne::<T>::acquire_mut();
    let b = autoken::BorrowsOne::<V>::acquire_mut();
    let _ = (a, b);

In most scenarios, this function type-checks:

fn demo_works() {
    my_func::<u32, i32>();  // Ok!

However, if you happen to substitute T and V such that T = V...

fn demo_breaks() {
    my_func::<u32, u32>();

...a scary compiler error pops out!

error: conflicting borrows on token u32
 --> src/
4 |     let a = autoken::BorrowsOne::<T>::acquire_mut();
  |             --------------------------------------- value first borrowed mutably
5 |     let b = autoken::BorrowsOne::<V>::acquire_mut();
  |             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value later borrowed mutably
  = help: first borrow originates from Borrows::<Mut<u32>>::acquire_mut::<'_>
  = help: later borrow originates from Borrows::<Mut<u32>>::acquire_mut::<'_>

Generic dispatches, too, have some weird generic behavior. In this case, the body of my_func makes it such that the provided closure cannot borrow the u32 token mutably.

fn my_func(f: impl FnOnce()) {
    let v = autoken::BorrowsOne::<u32>::acquire_mut();
    let _ = v;

fn demo_works() {
    my_func(|| {
        let _ = autoken::BorrowsOne::<i32>::acquire_mut();

fn demo_breaks() {
    my_func(|| {
        let _ = autoken::BorrowsOne::<u32>::acquire_mut();
error: conflicting borrows on token u32
 --> src/
2 |     let v = autoken::BorrowsOne::<u32>::acquire_mut();
  |             ----------------------------------------- value first borrowed mutably
3 |     f();
  |     ^^^ value later borrowed mutably
  = help: first borrow originates from Borrows::<Mut<u32>>::acquire_mut::<'_>
  = help: later borrow originates from demo_breaks::{closure#0}

Even bare generic dispatch can introduce restrictions on type parameters substitutions. In this case, any implementation of MyTrait which ties 'a to any token mutably will fail to compile if passed to my_func.

trait MyTrait {
   fn run<'a>(self) -> &'a ();

fn my_func(f: impl MyTrait, g: impl MyTrait) {
   let a =;
   let b =;
   let _ = (a, b);

fn demo_works() {
    struct Works;

    impl MyTrait for Works {
        fn run<'a>(self) -> &'a () {

    my_func(Works, Works);

fn demo_breaks() {
    struct Breaks;

    impl MyTrait for Breaks {
        fn run<'a>(self) -> &'a () {
            autoken::tie!('a => mut u32);

    my_func(Breaks, Breaks);
error: conflicting borrows on token u32
 --> src/
6 |     let a =;
  |             ------- value first borrowed mutably
7 |     let b =;
  |             ^^^^^^^ value later borrowed mutably
 = help: first borrow originates from <Breaks as MyTrait>::run::<'_>
 = help: later borrow originates from <Breaks as MyTrait>::run::<'_>

Same goes with just unsizing functions. In this case, my_func's unsizing of the provided closure implies a restriction that the provided closure can't borrow any tokens whatsoever!

fn my_func(mut f: impl FnMut()) {
    let f: &mut dyn FnMut() = &mut f;

fn demo_works() {
    my_func(|| {
        eprintln!("Everything is okay!");

fn demo_breaks() {
    my_func(|| {
        eprintln!("Uh oh...");
error: cannot unsize this function because it borrows unabsorbed tokens
  --> src/
2  |     let f: &mut dyn FnMut() = &mut f;
   |                               ^^^^^^
   = note: uses &mut u32.

note: demo_breaks::{closure#0} was unsized
  --> src/
12 |     my_func(|| {
   |             ^^

While the former two are merely semantic versioning foot-guns, the latter are genuine semantic-versioning breakers since they make what used to be non-breaking changes in today's Rust into breaking changes. At the same time, this level of flexibility with generics allows all sorts of powerful patterns to be implemented generically in AuToken. Hence, the big open question in AuToken's design is how to remove these foot-guns without also blunting its expressiveness.

Neat Recipes

One of the coolest uses of AuToken, in my opinion, is integrating it with the generational_arena crate. This crate implements what is essentially a HashMap from numeric handles to values but in a way which is considerably more efficient. Since numeric handles are freely copyable, they can serve as ad hoc shared mutable references. Their only issue is that, in order to dereference them, you must carry around a reference to the arena mapping those handles to their values.

This is where AuToken comes in. Since Deref implementations can tie their output to a token borrow, we can implement a version of those handles which acts like a smart pointer like so:

use generational_arena::Arena;

use std::{
    ops::{Deref, DerefMut},

// Extracts the capability containing the arena used by a given `Pointee`
type PointeeCap<T> = <T as Pointee>::Cap;

// A trait implemented by all objects that have an arena that can be pointed into by a `Handle.`
trait Pointee: Sized {
    type Cap;

    fn arena<'a>() -> &'a Arena<Self>;

    fn arena_mut<'a>() -> &'a mut Arena<Self>;

// A smart pointer which is `Copy`, `Deref`, `DerefMut`, and has a `destroy()` method! 🙀
struct Handle<T: Pointee> {
    _ty: PhantomData<fn(T) -> T>,
    handle: generational_arena::Index,

impl<T: Pointee> Copy for Handle<T> {}

impl<T: Pointee> Clone for Handle<T> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {

impl<T: Pointee> Handle<T> {
    pub fn new(value: T) -> Self {
        Self {
            _ty: PhantomData,
            handle: T::arena_mut().insert(value),

    pub fn destroy(self) {

impl<T: Pointee> Deref for Handle<T> {
    type Target = T;

    fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a T {
        // The `unsafe` keyword is admittedly a bit weird. The TLDR is that it's a workaround for
        // a difficult-to-fix analysis bug in AuToken.
        autoken::tie!(unsafe 'a => ref T::Cap);

impl<T: Pointee> DerefMut for Handle<T> {
    fn deref_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T {
        autoken::tie!(unsafe 'a => mut T::Cap);
        &mut T::arena_mut()[self.handle]

Here's how we can use it!

// First, let's implement `Pointee` on `Vec<u32>`. This could be turned into a simple decl-macro.
const _: () = {
    autoken::cap! {
        pub Cap = Arena<Vec<u32>>;

    impl Pointee for Vec<u32> {
        type Cap = Cap;

        fn arena<'a>() -> &'a Arena<Self> {
            autoken::tie!('a => ref Cap);
            autoken::cap!(ref Cap)

        fn arena_mut<'a>() -> &'a mut Arena<Self> {
            autoken::tie!('a => mut Cap);
            autoken::cap!(mut Cap)

// Now, we can start using the handle as if it were any other smart pointer.
fn do_something(mut f: Handle<Vec<u32>>) {

fn do_something_else(f: Handle<Vec<u32>>) {
    eprintln!("Values: {:?}", &*f);

fn main() {
    // ...all we have to do to call these methods is inject the right arena into the context!
    autoken::cap! {
        PointeeCap<Vec<u32>>: &mut Arena::new()
        let handle = Handle::new(vec![1, 2, 3]);

Let's use this newfound power to implement the borrow-checker's arch-nemesis: the linked list.

// This feature allows us to use the `self: Handle<Self>` syntax, which is convenient but not
// required whatsoever.

struct Node {
    value: u32,
    prev: Option<Handle<Self>>,
    next: Option<Handle<Self>>,


impl Node {
    pub fn new(value: u32) -> Self {
        Self {
            prev: None,
            next: None,

    pub fn remove(mut self: Handle<Self>) {
        if let Some(mut prev) = self.prev {

        if let Some(mut next) = {
            next.prev = self.prev;

    pub fn insert_right(mut self: Handle<Self>, mut next: Handle<Self>) {

        if let Some(mut old_next) = {
            old_next.prev = Some(next);
        } =;
        next.prev = Some(self); = Some(next);

    pub fn iter(self: Handle<Self>) -> impl Iterator<Item = Handle<Self>> {
        let mut state = Some(self);

        std::iter::from_fn(move || {
            let curr = state?;
            state =;

fn main() {
    autoken::cap! {
        PointeeCap<Node>: &mut Arena::new()
        let first = Handle::new(Node::new(1));
        let second = Handle::new(Node::new(2));
        let third = Handle::new(Node::new(3));


        for node in first.iter() {
            eprintln!("Value: {}", node.value);


        for node in first.iter() {
            eprintln!("Value: {}", node.value);
Value: 1
Value: 2
Value: 3
Value: 1
Value: 3

Neat, huh?


AuToken is held together with duct-tape and dreams.

Somehow don't believe me yet?
// HACK: `get_body_with_borrowck_facts` does not use `tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(def).owner` to
// determine the origin of the inference context like regular `mir_borrowck` does.
// Here's the source of `get_body_with_borrowck_facts`:
// ```
// pub fn get_body_with_borrowck_facts(
//     tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
//     def: LocalDefId,
//     options: ConsumerOptions,
// ) -> BodyWithBorrowckFacts<'_> {
//     let (input_body, promoted) = tcx.mir_promoted(def);
//     let infcx = tcx.infer_ctxt().with_opaque_type_inference(DefiningAnchor::Bind(def)).build();
//     let input_body: &Body<'_> = &input_body.borrow();
//     let promoted: &IndexSlice<_, _> = &promoted.borrow();
//     *super::do_mir_borrowck(&infcx, input_body, promoted, Some(options)).1.unwrap()
// }
// ```
// ...and here's the (abridged) source of `mir_borrowck`:
// ```
// fn mir_borrowck(tcx: TyCtxt<'_>, def: LocalDefId) -> &BorrowCheckResult<'_> {
//     let (input_body, promoted) = tcx.mir_promoted(def);
//     let input_body: &Body<'_> = &input_body.borrow();
//     // (erroneous input rejection here)
//     let hir_owner = tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(def).owner;
//     let infcx =
//         tcx.infer_ctxt().with_opaque_type_inference(DefiningAnchor::Bind(hir_owner.def_id)).build();
//     let promoted: &IndexSlice<_, _> = &promoted.borrow();
//     let opt_closure_req = do_mir_borrowck(&infcx, input_body, promoted, None).0;
//     tcx.arena.alloc(opt_closure_req)
// }
// ```
// So long as we can pass the owner's `DefId` to `get_body_with_borrowck_facts` but the shadow's body
// and promoted set, we can emulate the correct behavior of `mir_borrowck`—which is exactly what this
// Abomination To Everything Good does.
pub fn get_body_with_borrowck_facts_but_sinful(
    tcx: TyCtxt<'_>,
    shadow_did: LocalDefId,
    options: ConsumerOptions,
) -> BodyWithBorrowckFacts<'_> {
    // Begin by stealing the `mir_promoted` for our shadow function.
    let (shadow_body, shadow_promoted) = tcx.mir_promoted(shadow_did);

    let shadow_body = shadow_body.steal();
    let shadow_promoted = shadow_promoted.steal();

    // Now, let's determine the `orig_did`.
    let hir_did = tcx.local_def_id_to_hir_id(shadow_did).owner.def_id;

    // Modify the instance MIR in place. This doesn't violate query caching because steal is
    // interior-mutable and stable across queries. We're not breaking caching anywhere else since
    // `get_body_with_borrowck_facts` is just a wrapper around `do_mir_borrowck`.
    let (orig_body, orig_promoted) = tcx.mir_promoted(hir_did);

    let orig_body = unpack_steal(orig_body);
    let orig_promoted = unpack_steal(orig_promoted);

    let old_body = std::mem::replace(&mut *orig_body.write(), Some(shadow_body));
    let _dg1 = scopeguard::guard(old_body, |old_body| {
        *orig_body.write() = old_body;

    let old_promoted = std::mem::replace(&mut *orig_promoted.write(), Some(shadow_promoted));
    let _dg2 = scopeguard::guard(old_promoted, |old_promoted| {
        *orig_promoted.write() = old_promoted;

    // Now, do the actual borrow-check, replacing back the original MIR once the operation is done.
    get_body_with_borrowck_facts(tcx, hir_did, options)

fn unpack_steal<T>(steal: &Steal<T>) -> &RdsRwLock<Option<T>> {
    unsafe {
        // Safety: None. This is technically U.B.
        &*(steal as *const Steal<T> as *const RdsRwLock<Option<T>>)

Here's what that means to you:

  • There are almost certainly many bugs and soundness holes from incorrect use of the rustc API.
  • The tool is much slower than stock rustc. This is mostly a result of my awful serializer and the lack of incremental analysis.
  • You are stuck with a very specific build of rustc and I wouldn't try upgrading it without a massive suite of compile-tests to check your work because so much of this tool relies on the specific implementation details of the rust compiler for which this tool was built.
  • This tool breaks semantic versioning (see the Semantics of Generics section for details).
  • This tool emits diagnostics which are just plain awful—especially if you work with generic code.
  • Tying tokens to lifetimes appearing in the input position is potentially unsound. The tool should warn you of most of these cases and there are escape hatches (see: the unsafe keyword in tie! that showed up in the "Neat Recipes" example) but it's still pretty goofy.
  • This crate does not support #[no_std] environments.

All in all, I would mainly use this tool as just a playground for exploring the design implications of adding a context passing feature to the Rust programming language since there's no better way to explore the effects of a potential language extension than to play around with it. You probably shouldn't be using this in production.

Special Thanks

I owe so much to the wonderful folks of the #dark-arts channel of the "Rust Programming Language Community" Discord server and of the rust-lang Zulip chat. Thank you all, so very much, for your help!


A rust-lang compiler tool adding support for automated borrow-aware context passing







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