Infra Classification: Use batch_infra_class_preprocess.m to pre-process the data. Then use infra_classification_review.m to classify the data. The classification results will be saved in folder named “classification”.
Fast Beta/Gamma Classification: Use batch_gamma_class_preprocess.m to pre-process the data. Then use gamma_classification_review.m to classify the data. The classification results will be saved in folder named “classification” .
Phase Coupling Analysis: Use infra_phase_gamma_pow_review.m. Results are saved in folder named “Data” as RC_PAC_results.mat (for wild type animals) and as MELKO_PAC_results.mat for the melanopsin knockout genotype. To calculate cross-correlations use infra_crosscorr_review.m. Results are provided on the MATLAB shell.
Permutation Test: Use permutation_test_review.m. To compare firing rates across neuron types (none, infra only, fast only and both infra and fast) use firing_test_review.m.
Fano Factor Analysis: To determine Fano Factor as function of time windows use FF_review.m. Data are saved in folder "Data". To plot results use FF_figure_review.m.