The goal of this repository is compare platforms, languages and frameworks/libraries by implementing the same API on each of them. For each of them the following is implemented:
A REST-API conforming to the aforementioned API
Persistence with a SQL database (PostgreSQL)
The same API is implemented in each experiment. See [Petstore API] for details.
Currently an implementation is available in the following combinations of platforms, languages and frameworks:
Platform |
Language |
Framework/Library |
Typescript |
Candidates for future experiments are:
Go |
Kotlin |
Quarkus |
Scala |
Clojure |
.NET |
F# |
All the implementations use the same structure:
root of experiment (e.g. deno) |_ adapters |_ rest |_ database |_ domain |_ entities |_ value_objects |_ use-cases |_ manage_users
The API is specified according to the OpenAPI Specification (v3.0.3). This API can be found here. This API specification is a modified version of the Swagger Petstore API which can be found here.
To start the Swagger UI for the API specification of the petstore execute (TODO: repackage this as service in docker-compose):
docker run -p 4001:8080 -d --rm -e URL=/api-spec.yaml -v <absolute-path-to-repository>/ch.resrc.backend-experiments/api/api-spec.yaml:/usr/share/nginx/html/api-spec.yaml swaggerapi/swagger-ui
To generate models for the API the openapi-generator could be used:
openapi-generator-cli generate \
-i api-spec.yaml \
-g typescript \
-o typescript \
-c config.json
Everything to do with running the backend experiments is defined in operations/
The container-images/
folder contains all information on how executable artifacts are defined and built.
The deployment/
folder contains all information on how executable artifacts are deployed.
To implement a new experiment access to a PostgreSQL database is helpful.
For this use case the docker-compose.yaml
is convenient as it exposes the following on localhost:
a PostgreSQL database
an Adminer instance
Check the docker-compose.yaml
for the ports.
To deploy it execute:
docker-compose up ./operations/deployment/docker-compose.yaml
To access the db you can navigate to:
Use the credentials defined in database.env
to log in.
You can use minikube to deploy everything locally. You can install it by following these instructions.
To start minikube execute:
minikube start
To access the dashboard of your local Kubernetes cluster execute:
minikube dashboard
To deploy everything navigate to operations/deployment/
and execute:
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
To access the database execute the following command and navigate to the displayed port on localhost:
minikube service adminer --url
To access any service execute the following command and navigate to the displayed port on localhost:
minikube service <service> --url
To decode a secret with <name> and <path> execute:
kubectl get secret <name> --output="jsonpath=<path>" | base64 --decode
This chapter assumes the working directory to be /deno
Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly that uses V8 and is built in Rust.
See here. For Mac/Linux:
curl -fsSL | sh
To automatically restart the application when a file changes install Denon
deno install -qAf --unstable
Use the denon
instead of the deno
command to use it.
Make sure you have the following environment variables set (Note: they have to match what is used for the database service):
DB_HOST=database DB_PORT=5432 DB_NAME=experiments DB_USER=user DB_PASSWORD=user123
You can set them by running:
export $(cat /operations/deployment/database.env | xargs)
Once the environment variables are setup you can execute the applicatino with:
deno run --allow-net --allow-env application.ts --port 8000
There is a minimal test suite which verifies that the endpoints work as defined in the spec. To run the test suite the application has to be running. You can execute the tests with:
deno test --allow-net -- --baseUrl 'http://localhost:8000/petstore'
Execute this command if you want to stop execution at the first line:
deno run --allow-net --allow-env --inspect-brk application.ts --port 8000
or if you do not want to stop execution at the first line
deno run --allow-net --allow-env --inspect application.ts --port 8000
and navigate to:
because of how the docker build context works, you have to execute the build from within ch.resrc.backend-experiments/deno |
Execute (docker can be used instead of podman):
podman build -t -f ../operations/container-images/deno/Containerfile .