Scroll Ninja is a game being developed by Genshin Souzou K.K. of Aichi, Japan.
All rights are reserved to Genshin Souzou K.K.
This software is dual-licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 and the AGPL version 3.
All non-source assets such as images, graphics, data-sets (including game levels and other resources) are NOT licensed under the GPL/AGPL. These resources may only be used in Scroll Ninja related non-commercial projects or for demonstration purposes. Genshin Souzou K.K. also hereby grants permission to use Scroll Ninja graphical and sound resources for any promotional or non-profit purpose as long as it is made clear these resources are from Scroll Ninja and all copyrights belong to Genshin Souzou K.K.. For commerical goods using these resources or the Scroll Ninja name or image (t-shirts, posters, etc.) we request a license fee of 5% of pre-tax profits (not sales, profits). These terms are negotiable.
Closed source and commercial licenses can be granted, if you would like to use the Scroll Ninja sources in a closed-source project or would like to release a commecial work using Scroll Ninja resources please contact [email protected] . We welcome derivative projects and give excellent rates and conditions!
We want you to use Scroll Ninja sources and resources to make cool stuff, and we want you to use Scroll Ninja to make and sell cool stuff. We just want you to give us a small cut of any profits so we an make Scroll Ninja better. Straight up; we're poor, we're honest, and we love everyone who makes stuff so let's make stuff together!