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Weekly Meetings
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: We created the repository and are now working on its wiki. We also completed its domain model.
Miguel: We outlined the model on a board, using ChatGPT to understand the game's mechanics and think about how we would translate it into the application.
Sebastián: We discussed the initial details of our project model, leading to the creation of the Domain Model. We drafted functional and non-functional requirements in an initial manner. We explored technologies that could be used to develop the project's functionalities, such as the 'RAG' and 'Lang Chain' applications.
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Research the technologies recommended by the professor.
Miguel: Further research Django tools to start programming the minimum viable product.
Sebastián: I will write the first five requirements in the requirement format and input them into the GitHub project wiki. I will also begin learning and investigating more about Lang Chain and RAG technologies.
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Responsibilities in other subjects prevented me from dedicating as much time to project planning as I would have liked.
Miguel: Activities from the student group took up a significant amount of my time during the week, and I would have liked to make more progress.
Sebastián: I encountered difficulties trying to determine whether monster and character stats should be extracted separately from their original table.
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: I've learn about django projects.
Miguel: This week we prepared each other’s roles for the assignment.
Sebastián: We discussed the requeriments that were going to be developed and distributed them. I redacted them and put them in the github project back log.
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Not really
Miguel: For me was that I had to take my pc to the university to work that is something that I don’t usually do.
Sebastián: No, last week I didn't have any setbacks at all.
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: My part of the requeriments, we need to put them in the template
Miguel: Create the Django project in the git repository and advance in the assignment.
Sebastián: This week I will review and discuss with my group about the first deliverable and also investigate about the technologies that we are going to use.
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: The first deliverable, planning the requierements and creating a mockup for the interface.
Miguel: Beta front-end code for the presentation
Sebastián: Last week we were focused on the deliverable 1. I did: the product Purpose, the Scope, the User Characteristics, the References, the Performance Requirements and the design constraint.
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: MMMM... Nah c:
Miguel: I don't think so
Sebastián: Not really, with the help of my team everything went great.
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Finish the deliverable and present our results.
Miguel: The exposition
Sebastián: This week we will prepare the pitch and the first presentation of the project.
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: The presentation and the division of responsability on the requirements, basically.
Miguel: Planed of improving the front.
Sebastián: Did the presentation of the github part of the project
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Not really, again (lucky us)
Miguel: Nothing.
Sebastián: Nope
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Add the models in the project
Miguel: Continue developing the front-end.
Sebastián: Learn how to connect ChatGPT with our django project
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Models created, default weapons for each class, dice roll allowed and corrupt the database twice XD
Miguel: Design the front on Canva with the team.
Sebastián: We had a meeting with our project managers and established the objectives for our project in terms of launch.
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Corrupting the database and repoblating it, of course
Miguel: We are chill.
Sebastián: Again, didn't have any problems
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: I don't know, there's so many things to do
Miguel: Refactor the front and deleted the bootstrap to implement our own CSS.
Sebastián: Learn about LangChain technology to implement in the project.
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Level_up options for weapon and character, full combat system, test page, default weapon and races/classes icons, and RAT (the best commit in history, only to add rats to the game). Guess what, I corrupted the database again XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
Miguel: Refactor the front and deleted the bootstrap to implement our own CSS.
Sebastián: Last week I didn't really work too much on the project.
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Corrupting the database again. Merging our progress was difficult again.
Miguel: Maybe my lack of time.
Sebastián: Nope
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Rest in peace, hopefully.
Miguel: Improve the front.
Sebastián: Learn how to implement LangChain technology to the project
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Monster enemy is now selectable individually, default random names for characters and monsters, inventory system, interactive map (my favourite), interface upgraded to console update.
Miguel: Improved the front and define the grid container.
Sebastián: I tried implementing Chat Gpt prompts and responses to the page
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: The map was really hard to do, but so entertaining. There were soooo many tries, that was annoying.
Miguel: Not really.
Sebastián: The functions of chatgpt api that I was using were too old, so I had to change it to the new ones. Also, my secret key didn't work.
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Die peacefully after a well done work. (Hopefully)
Miguel: Finish the front and start planing animations and effects for the front.
Sebastián: I will do the component diagram, and help with de data one. Also I'm going to prepare the elevator pitch
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Added treasures and new icons, the treasures show their information at mouse hover too. And of course we had the third workshop.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Telemática project :(
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Who knows, I think I will not be able to progress too much in the project
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: TOO MANY FUNCTIONS, The vacations were great, I progressed too much!, I added this: 8 Tiles to the map with different textures, a new class called Entity that gives herency to Charater and Monster, and a command executer with 5 functions: /move, /attack, /take, /equip and /use
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: Not really. Like I said, the vacations were great
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: Adding a new function to use the level up options for player statistics and weapon statistics
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: We generated some icons and showed them to my friends, so they could choose and give us feedback. Also defined the color palette of the project. Oh, I forgot, we also did some retrospective with the project management team, you should see that!, was a great retrospective, take this: https://padlet.com/scorreah1/retrospectiva-ekqhm1epdaxa0bxx
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: TELEMÁTICA, AAAAAAAAAGH, I'm so stressed
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: I think I won't be able to do anything, this time for real.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Created the "about" and "guide" pages, implemented a sticky footer, and designed a header template, while learning JavaScript and ensuring the default scrolling of the history to the bottom.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: .
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: I aim to finalize the campaign selection process, optimize the loading times, and integrate a new feature that allows users to customize their player profiles.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Developed new views for player and campaign selection, implemented the campaign model, integrated campaign handling into various functions, and fixed issues with blank prompt inputs.
Miguel: I noted that my PC died, committed the related changes, and ensured that the work could continue despite the technical issues.
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: .
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: This week, I will work on adding new weapon and character customization options, improving the overall UI design, and fixing any lingering bugs from the previous updates.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Finalized player selection, upgraded the campaign selection process, improved the loading function, and addressed issues with attack image generation.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: .
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: My goal is to implement advanced combat mechanics, refine the leveling system, and test out new AI functionalities to make the gameplay more dynamic.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Completed the game interface, added a functional experience bar, implemented a blinking HP feature for low health, enhanced UI elements with hover effects, and improved overall page designs.
Miguel: I developed the front end for campaign creation, enhancing the overall user experience, and making the campaign creation process more intuitive and visually appealing.
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: .
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: I plan to focus on debugging and optimizing the player creation process, enhancing map generation algorithms, and preparing for a major playtest session to gather user feedback.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Fixed various bugs in player creation, improved map generation with visual range and borders, and started the implementation of automatic boss generation.
Miguel: I improved the player creation functionality by committing various updates, integrating changes to ensure a smoother process, and addressing any bugs that arose.
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: .
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: This week, I intend to finalize all core features, conduct extensive testing to ensure stability, and begin integrating player feedback into the next set of updates.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What did we do last week?
Esteban: Made the game fully playable, solved multiple bugs, upgraded AI and map generation, enhanced player creation templates, and ensured the integration of icons and animations.
Miguel: I finalized the functionality and visual aspects of player and character creation, implemented movement with WASD keys to improve gameplay, and contributed to resolving database conflicts to ensure seamless integration.
Sebastián: .
- Did we have any setbacks?
Esteban: .
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .
- What will we do this week?
Esteban: I will try to finish all the other projects I have. This project will stress me until we make the presentation.
Miguel: .
Sebastián: .