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Class Activities, Diagrams and Models

Esteban Vergara Giraldo edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 7 revisions

First Deliverable

Product Vision Board

DnD-AI Product Vision Board

Domain Model


Domain Model (with data types)


High level diagram


Elevator Pitch (Spanish)

Al año se crean 10 millones de partidas de Dungeons and Dragons, ¿pero sabías que más de la mitad de estas no pueden llevarse a cabo por falta de un Dungeon Master?, Dungeons and Dragons es un juego que depende completamente de la imaginación de sus jugadores, y entre ellos, el Dungeon Master es quien crea la historia que van a seguir los jugadores, crea los personajes, sus habilidades, los monstruos, mapas e ítems, es el corazón del juego, dependemos demasiado de él, y no siempre hay alguien que se anime a hacer el trabajo.

Qué tal si lo reemplazáramos con una inteligencia artificial que está disponible en todo momento?, que te permita a tí y a tus amigos jugar una partida de calidad cuando quieran, que genere el mapa y los enemigos automáticamente. Eso somos nosotros, DnD-AI, y queremos ofrecerte esta nueva forma de jugar. Mucho más enfocada al juego inmediato y con un ritmo más rápido.

A diferencia de ideas parecidas, tenemos varias mejoras visuales, como son la visualización del mapa en tiempo real y la generación de imágenes para las escenas épicas que hasta ahora sólo te podías imaginar.

Elevator Pitch (English)

Each year, 10 million Dungeons and Dragons sessions are created, but did you know that more than half of these cannot take place due to a lack of a Dungeon Master? Dungeons and Dragons is a game that relies entirely on the imagination of its players, and among them, the Dungeon Master is the one who creates the story the players will follow, develops characters, their abilities, monsters, maps, and items – essentially, the heart of the game. We depend heavily on them, and there isn't always someone willing to take on the role.

What if we replaced them with an artificial intelligence that is available at all times? One that allows you and your friends to play a quality session whenever you want, generating the map and enemies automatically. That's us, DnD-AI, and we want to offer you this new way of playing – much more focused on immediate gameplay and with a faster pace.

Unlike similar ideas, we have various visual enhancements, such as real-time map visualization and the generation of images for the epic scenes that, until now, you could only imagine.

Second Deliverable

Deployment Diagram


Game Functions component and LangChain (also called AI connection component) are inside of the Views component, we didn't wanted to make it more complex showing internal components of another component.

Components Diagram

Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-03-19 a las 22 36 59_83594a1d

At the time this deliverable was made, we only had this four models. At this moment we have five of them, and Campaign was renamed to History.

Data Model

(Autogenerated by django)


(Our model)

Data Model

Third Deliverable


“Level up your game!”


One of these three options:



Color Palette

¿En qué es usado ahora? HEX
Fuente Negra #000000
Background #212529
Map BG #2C3034
Fuente Gris #808080
Ícono Actual (dragón vs rata) #DD263C
Botones #D62828
History y Fuente Blanca #FFFFFF


Miguel left these ones commented. I will put them here if they're needed in the future.

Color HEX
Black #333333
Dark Grey #212529
Grey #454c54
Brown #462e2e
Brown #BCA371
Red #D62828
Red #ff6f6f
Light Grey-Blue #8DA1B9
Green #21D19F