PowerShell script that can be used to migrate standard Azure VM to DS Series VM with SSD Premium storage. You can read my accompanying blog post to learn more.
The following example shows how to take a standalone standard VM and migrate it to DS Series standalone VM with durable SSD drives.
.\MigrateVMToPremiumStorage.ps1 -SourceVMName "rajsourcevm2" -SourceServiceName `
"rajsourcevm2" -DestVMName "rajdsvm12" -DestServiceName "rajdsvm12svc" `
-Location "West US" -VMSize Standard_DS2 `
-DestStorageAccountName 'rajwestpremstg18' -DestStorageAccountContainer 'vhds'
The following example shows how to take a standard VM and migrate it to a DS Series VM with durable SSD drives in a virtual network
.\MigrateVMToPremiumStorage.ps1 -SourceVMName "rajsourcevm2" -SourceServiceName "rajsourcevm2" `
-DestVMName "rajdsvm16" -DestServiceName "rajdsvm16svc" `
-Location "West US" -VMSize Standard_DS2 `
-DestStorageAccountName 'rajwestpremstg19' -DestStorageAccountContainer 'vhds' `
-VNetName rajvnettest3 -SubnetName FrontEndSubnet
- Currently this script only migrates virtual machines to the same subscription.
- It can migrate VM's to a different region as long as premium storage is available in that region
- It works on both Linux and Windows Virtual machines.
- It shuts down the existing source VM before making of copy of the VHD's for the virtual machine.
- It validates that virtual network for the destination VM exists but does not validate if subnet also exists
- It gives new names to the disks in the destination virtual machine
- If your VM has a disk smaller than 10 GB the script will fail because we are not allowed to add disks smaller than 10 GB
- Currently I am only copying disks, end points, VM extensions. I am not copying ACL's and other type of extensions like malware extension
- I only tested the script with PowerShell SDK Version 0.9.2
- I tested migrating standard VM in West US to DS Series VM in West US only. I logged into the newly created VM and verified that all disks were present. This is the extent of my testing. My VM with 3 Disk's copied in 10 minutes.
- If your destination storage account already exists it has to be of type “Premium_LRS”. If you have an existing account of different type the script will fail. If the storage account does not exist it will be created.