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Linking Product Stories

Johann Barbie edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 13 revisions


An administrator needs to complete the installation instructions before product stories become embedded on product pages.

Linking Steps

  1. Open up your Shopify Admin interface at

  2. Select product that should contain provenance stories and go to edit the description.

    open product

  3. Insert text or word that will refer to the Provenance maker story as separate paragraph (line break before and after). This text is a place holder and will be not be displayed in the product description to the customer.

    insert text

  4. Mark inserted text and hit the "insert link" icon from the util-bar (6th from right). Set "open this link" to "in a new window" and choose a link title.

    configure link

  5. Go to '' and open the story that should be embedded with the product. Copy the URL from the browser bar.

    insert link

  6. Insert the copied URL into the "Link to" field. Hit "Insert Link".

    verify save

  7. Verify the text looks as desired. The URL from this link will be used to embed the story from Provenance. After the execution is complete, the paragraph will be removed from product description.

    verify save

  8. Hit "Save" to save the updated description. Open the product page to verify functionality.

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