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Migrate @pages/BO/advancedParameters/logs from Core
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Progi1984 committed Jan 15, 2025
1 parent 071d97a commit 409d29b
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Showing 4 changed files with 363 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ export {default as boInformationPage} from '@pages/BO/advancedParameters/informa
export {default as boImportPage} from '@pages/BO/advancedParameters/import';
export {default as boLanguagesPage} from '@pages/BO/international/languages';
export {default as boLanguagesCreatePage} from '@pages/BO/international/languages/create';
export {default as boLogsPage} from '@pages/BO/advancedParameters/logs';
export {default as boLocalizationPage} from '@pages/BO/international/localization';
export {default as boLoginPage} from '@pages/BO/login';
export {default as boMaintenancePage} from '@pages/BO/shopParameters/general/maintenance';
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions src/interfaces/BO/advancedParameters/logs.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
import {type BOBasePagePageInterface} from '@interfaces/BO';
import {type Page} from '@playwright/test';

export interface BOLogsPageInterface extends BOBasePagePageInterface {
readonly pageTitle: string;

eraseAllLogs(page: Page): Promise<string>;
filterLogs(page: Page, filterType: string, filterBy: string, value?: string): Promise<void>;
filterLogsByDate(page: Page, dateFrom: string, dateTo: string): Promise<void>;
getAllRowsColumnContent(page: Page, column: string): Promise<string[]>;
getNumberOfElementInGrid(page: Page): Promise<number>;
getNumberOfRowsInGrid(page: Page): Promise<number>;
getTextColumn(page: Page, row: number, column: string): Promise<string>;
paginationNext(page: Page): Promise<string>;
paginationPrevious(page: Page): Promise<string>;
resetAndGetNumberOfLines(page: Page): Promise<number>;
resetFilter(page: Page): Promise<void>;
selectPaginationLimit(page: Page, number: number): Promise<string>;
setEmail(page: Page, email: string): Promise<string>;
setMinimumSeverityLevel(page: Page, severityLevel: string): Promise<string>;
sortTable(page: Page, sortBy: string, sortDirection: string): Promise<void>;
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/pages/BO/advancedParameters/logs.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import {type BOLogsPageInterface} from '@interfaces/BO/advancedParameters/logs';

/* eslint-disable global-require, @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */
function requirePage(): BOLogsPageInterface {
return require('@versions/develop/pages/BO/advancedParameters/logs');
/* eslint-enable global-require, @typescript-eslint/no-require-imports, @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */

export default requirePage();
331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions src/versions/develop/pages/BO/advancedParameters/logs.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
import BOBasePage from '@pages/BO/BOBasePage';
import {type BOLogsPageInterface} from '@interfaces/BO/advancedParameters/logs';
import {type Page} from '@playwright/test';

* Logs page, contains functions that can be used on the page
* @class
* @extends BOBasePage
class BOLogsPage extends BOBasePage implements BOLogsPageInterface {
public readonly pageTitle: string;

private readonly gridPanel: string;

private readonly gridTitle: string;

private readonly listForm: string;

private readonly listTableRows: string;

private readonly listTableRow: (row: number) => string;

private readonly listTableColumn: (row: number, column: string) => string;

private readonly gridActionButton: string;

private readonly eraseAllButton: string;

private readonly filterColumnInput: (filterBy: string) => string;

private readonly filterSearchButton: string;

private readonly filterResetButton: string;

private readonly tableHead: string;

private readonly sortColumnDiv: (column: string) => string;

private readonly sortColumnSpanButton: (column: string) => string;

private readonly paginationLimitSelect: string;

private readonly paginationLabel: string;

private readonly paginationNextLink: string;

private readonly paginationPreviousLink: string;

private readonly severityLevelSelect: string;

private readonly sendEmailToInput: string;

private readonly saveButton: string;

* @constructs
* Setting up texts and selectors to use on logs page
constructor() {

this.pageTitle = 'Logs •';

// List of logs
this.gridPanel = '#logs_grid_panel';
this.gridTitle = `${this.gridPanel} h3.card-header-title`;
this.listForm = '#logs_grid';
this.listTableRows = `${this.listForm} tbody tr:not(.empty_row)`;
this.listTableRow = (row: number) => `${this.listForm} tbody tr:nth-child(${row})`;
this.listTableColumn = (row: number, column: string) => `${this.listTableRow(row)} td.column-${column}`;
this.gridActionButton = '#logs-grid-actions-button';
this.eraseAllButton = '#logs_grid_action_delete_all_email_logs';

// Filters
this.filterColumnInput = (filterBy: string) => `${this.listForm} #logs_${filterBy}`;
this.filterSearchButton = `${this.listForm} .grid-search-button`;
this.filterResetButton = `${this.listForm} .grid-reset-button`;

// Sort Selectors
this.tableHead = `${this.listForm} thead`;
this.sortColumnDiv = (column: string) => `${this.tableHead}[data-sort-col-name='${column}']`;
this.sortColumnSpanButton = (column: string) => `${this.sortColumnDiv(column)}`;

// Pagination selectors
this.paginationLimitSelect = '#paginator_select_page_limit';
this.paginationLabel = `${this.gridPanel} .col-form-label`;
this.paginationNextLink = `${this.gridPanel} [data-role=next-page-link]`;
this.paginationPreviousLink = `${this.gridPanel} [data-role='previous-page-link']`;

// Logs by email selectors
this.severityLevelSelect = '#form_logs_by_email';
this.sendEmailToInput = '#form_logs_email_receivers';
this.saveButton = '#main-div div.card-footer button';

* Reset input filters
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async resetFilter(page: Page): Promise<void> {
if (!(await this.elementNotVisible(page, this.filterResetButton, 2000))) {
await this.clickAndWaitForURL(page, this.filterResetButton);

* Get number of elements in grid
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async getNumberOfElementInGrid(page: Page): Promise<number> {
return this.getNumberFromText(page, this.gridTitle);

* Get number of rows currently displayed by the grid
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async getNumberOfRowsInGrid(page: Page): Promise<number> {
const rows = page.locator(this.listTableRows);

return rows.count();

* Reset filter and get number of elements in list
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async resetAndGetNumberOfLines(page: Page): Promise<number> {
await this.resetFilter(page);

return this.getNumberOfElementInGrid(page);

* Filter list of logs
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param filterType {string} Input or select to choose method of filter
* @param filterBy {string} Column to filter
* @param value {string} Value to filter with
* @return {Promise<void>}
async filterLogs(page: Page, filterType: string, filterBy: string, value: string = ''): Promise<void> {
switch (filterType) {
case 'input':
await this.setValue(page, this.filterColumnInput(filterBy), value);
case 'select':
await this.selectByVisibleText(
// Do nothing
// click on search
await this.clickAndWaitForURL(page, this.filterSearchButton);

* Get text from a column
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param row {number} Row in table
* @param column {string} Column name to get text content
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async getTextColumn(page: Page, row: number, column: string): Promise<string> {
return this.getTextContent(page, this.listTableColumn(row, column));

* Erase all logs
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async eraseAllLogs(page: Page): Promise<string> {
// Add listener to dialog to accept erase
await this.dialogListener(page);

await page.locator(this.gridActionButton).click();
await this.waitForSelectorAndClick(page, this.eraseAllButton);

return this.getTextContent(page, this.alertSuccessBlockParagraph);

* Get content from all rows
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param column {string} Column name to get all rows content
* @return {Promise<Array<string>>}
async getAllRowsColumnContent(page: Page, column: string): Promise<string[]> {
const rowsNumber = await this.getNumberOfRowsInGrid(page);
const allRowsContentTable: string[] = [];

for (let i = 1; i <= rowsNumber; i++) {
let rowContent: string = await this.getTextColumn(page, i, column);

if (column === 'employee' && rowContent === 'N/A') {
rowContent = '';


return allRowsContentTable;

/* Sort methods */
* Sort table by clicking on column name
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param sortBy {string} Column to sort with
* @param sortDirection {string} Sort direction asc or desc
* @return {Promise<void>}
async sortTable(page: Page, sortBy: string, sortDirection: string): Promise<void> {
const sortColumnDiv = `${this.sortColumnDiv(sortBy)}[data-sort-direction='${sortDirection}']`;
const sortColumnSpanButton = this.sortColumnSpanButton(sortBy);

let i: number = 0;
while (await this.elementNotVisible(page, sortColumnDiv, 2000) && i < 2) {
await page.locator(this.sortColumnDiv(sortBy)).hover();
await this.clickAndWaitForURL(page, sortColumnSpanButton);
i += 1;

await this.waitForVisibleSelector(page, sortColumnDiv, 20000);

// Pagination methods
* Get pagination label
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @return {Promise<string>}
getPaginationLabel(page: Page): Promise<string> {
return this.getTextContent(page, this.paginationLabel);

* Select pagination limit
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param number {number} Value of pagination limit to select
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async selectPaginationLimit(page: Page, number: number): Promise<string> {
const currentUrl: string = page.url();

await Promise.all([
this.selectByVisibleText(page, this.paginationLimitSelect, number),
page.waitForURL((url: URL): boolean => url.toString() !== currentUrl, {waitUntil: 'networkidle'}),

return this.getPaginationLabel(page);

* Click on next
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async paginationNext(page: Page): Promise<string> {
await this.clickAndWaitForURL(page, this.paginationNextLink);

return this.getPaginationLabel(page);

* Click on previous
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async paginationPrevious(page: Page): Promise<string> {
await this.clickAndWaitForURL(page, this.paginationPreviousLink);

return this.getPaginationLabel(page);

* Filter logs by date
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param dateFrom {string} Value of date from to set on filter input
* @param dateTo {string} Value of date to to set on filter input
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async filterLogsByDate(page: Page, dateFrom: string, dateTo: string): Promise<void> {
await page.locator(this.filterColumnInput('date_add_from')).fill(dateFrom);
await page.locator(this.filterColumnInput('date_add_to')).fill(dateTo);
// click on search
await this.clickAndWaitForURL(page, this.filterSearchButton);

// Methods for logs by email form

* Set minimum severity level
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param severityLevel {string} Severity to select
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async setMinimumSeverityLevel(page: Page, severityLevel: string): Promise<string> {
await this.selectByVisibleText(page, this.severityLevelSelect, severityLevel);
await this.waitForSelectorAndClick(page, this.saveButton);

return this.getAlertBlockContent(page);

* Set email
* @param page {Page} Browser tab
* @param email {string} Email to set in the input
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async setEmail(page: Page, email: string): Promise<string> {
await this.setValue(page, this.sendEmailToInput, email);
await this.waitForSelectorAndClick(page, this.saveButton);

return this.getAlertBlockContent(page);

module.exports = new BOLogsPage();

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