A Electronic Health Care System is aimed digitalizing the health care by providing the hospital services in online mode. There are two types of roles in this project
- Doctor
- Patient
Technology Stack
Front end - HTML+ Boot Strap
Back end - Python Flask
Database - Xammp Mysql
Go to Comand Prompt and route to directory where you have cloned the project to and use
pip install -r requirements.txt
Installation Video of Xampp [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5ghHLRv6uc]
To run the project use
python app.py
The resultant will be displayed in your browser
The user have to login or register into system in order to access the portal there will be two roles patient and Doctor and we have sign in accordingly
After sucessfull login into the portal it will be redirected to Dashboard where the patient can book the appointments according to the department and able to see the older prescriptions and see the appointments and he can cancel the appointments.
When you want book an appointmetnt please click on the department and select the doctor from the drop down and select the date and time of the appointment and the patient can also upload a photo of infected area at booking and along with the symptoms he/she is facing and book appointment then a message will be shown whether appointment is booked or not
ater sucess login to portal the doctor is redirected to the doctor dashborad where he/she can see the appointments booked and click the patient name to see their older prescriptions written by previous doctor consulation so that the patient is not required to carry the prescriptions every time and they are digitalized and doctor can see the details of older consulations and write the presciptionthe patient Symptoms and uploaded photo will be visible ( these are entered by the patient while booking the appointment) while writing prescription if the patient have uploaded a photo it will be visible and doctor can click on image to get larger image other wise if patient hasn't uploaded a photo it will be blank image like the below
The doctor can use Prediction Module where he can detect diseases using Machine Learning and Deep Learning there are currently diseases like 1.Stroke 2.Diabetes 3.Heart attack 4.kidney failure 5.breast cancer 6. Heaptits C and I am planing to implement more diseases detection using Deep learning
after click on the disease to detect please enter values and click predict
the values enetred will be feeded to the ml model and prediction is given along with symptoms, causes precaution so that the user can correlate
thanks for every one, for visting
you can mail me at : [email protected]