NBomber v4.0.0-beta7
NBomber v4.0.0-beta7
- Replaced TPLDataFlow on Channels due to performance and smaller memory allocations
- Added vtask { } for ScenarioStatsActor to improve performance
- Tuned performance for Stats module
- Aggressive Inlining
- Improved performance for ReportingStatsCache by replacing Map on Dictionary
- Aggressive Inlining v2
- Added a new scheduler implementation based on loop and Task.Delay
- Added LoadSimulation.Pause
A new LoadSimulation definition:
type LoadSimulation =
| RampingConstant of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
| KeepConstant of copies:int * during:TimeSpan
| RampingInject of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
| Inject of rate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
| InjectRandom of minRate:int * maxRate:int * interval:TimeSpan * during:TimeSpan
| Pause of during:TimeSpan