This is the hardware component for my Capstone 2 project.
Using a Raspberry Pi 3 with an attached Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) it sends a PUT request to the Parking Api if the current distance of target vehicle is close or less than the set distance in an .env
It also shows the current distance of the target through an LCD.
- Raspberry Pi 3
- T-Cobbler
- 1x 10K ohms potentiometer (R1) (I've used a Rotary Potentiometer)
- 3x 220 ohms resistor (R2, R5, R6)
- 1x Breadboard (I've used 2 since I needed more space)
- 1x 1k ohms resistor (R3)
- 1x 2k ohms resistor (R4)
- 2x LED (Blue & Red)
- LCD Display
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
LOT_ID= // corresponding parking lot id of this sensor
HOST= // host url of api
PORT= // port of api
// LCD Ports for displaying current distance of target
There are two LEDs that signal whether (hypothetically) the lot is vacant or occupied.
- Led at Pin 21 (Vacant)
- Led at Pin 26 (Occupied)
Libraries used: