A simple, fast, and efficient TUI todo application written in Rust with vim bindings.
I wrote this for my personal use and am actually still using it. However, this was my first Rust project and the code is far from idiomatic :D
- Add new tasks FAST (see usage below)
Action | Keybind |
quit application | q, Esc |
exit out of help | Esc |
down | j |
up | k |
toggle visible todos | h, l, tab |
goTop | g |
completly delete a finished todo | d |
add new todo | a |
rename selected todo | n |
goBottom | G |
search for input <- highlights all but selects only the last found | / |
switch status of selected todo | enter |
- Ensure you have Rust installed on your machine.
git clone https://github.com/pmafynn/td.git
cd td
cargo build --release
Create alias or add to path if you like it
Here are some common commands you can use with this ToDo application:
td "new task"
td new task
td --help
- Thanks to the Rust community for their amazing work on the language and ecosystem.