Minio image resizer written in go. Using Minio S3 Object Storage Server
Name | Description | Type | Default |
ACCESS_KEY | S3 Access Key | ENV | - |
SECRET_KEY | S3 Access Secret Key | ENV | - |
REDIS_SERVICE | Redis service address | ENV | - |
-b | Bucket Name | PARAMETER | - |
-a | Server Listen Address | PARAMETER | "" |
-e | Endpoint Address | PARAMETER | "" |
-r | Region | PARAMETER | "fr-par" |
$ make build
resizer -b reform -a "" -e "http://localhost:9000"
ACCESS_KEY=ACCESS SECRET_KEY=SECRET ./bin/resizer -b platinmarket-reform -a -e
$ docker run -d -p 3333:2222 resizer:latest
$ echo -e "GET /1535/pictures/thumb/100X-AAILHXZZDR32320216321_32819.jpg HTTP/1.0\n\n" | nc 3333
Fill the empty fields on the thumbnail.env
# Install.
$ make install
# Uninstall.
$ sudo make uninstall
# Update.
$ sudo make uninstall && make install
# Start the service.
$ systemctl start resizer.service && systemctl enable resizer.service