Shimmer is a mod concentrated on rendering effects
fantasy bloom and colored light
both configurable json and java api support
customize what you like
Join our
for communication, issue feedback
for compability with MadParticle
for compability with Lighting Wand
video here
shimmer also have a powerful configure system, both for no-code and java API, see wiki for detailed information
What's more, we also have powerful gui for quick configuration
In order to import shimmer into your development enviroment
repositories{ //add our maven first
maven {
url ""
// Forge
implementation fg.deobf("com.lowdragmc.shimmer:Shimmer-forge:${minecraft_version}:${shimmer_version}")
// Fabric
modImplementation "com.lowdragmc.shimmer:Shimmer-fabric:${minecraft_version}:${shimmer_version}"
//for architectury user, you can also just import shimmer's common jar in you common module
modImplementation "com.lowdragmc.shimmer:Shimmer-common:${minecraft_version}:${shimmer_version}"
great thanks resourcepack made by WenXin2'S