Initial Version which is based on the CraftbeerPi3 Plugin from IndyJoeA (https://github.com/IndyJoeA/cbpi_PIDAutoTune)
- The purpose of this plugin is to autotune your System and determine automatically P, I and D values to optimize the heating for your system.
- The derived values have to be entered later in your PID Kettle Logic.
- For more info on PID and autotuning, you can check out the following articles:
- (https://github.com/Manuel83/craftbeerpi/wiki/Autotune-PID)
- (https://github.com/Manuel83/craftbeerpi/wiki/Manual-PID-adjustment)
Please have a look at the Craftbeerpi4 Documentation
Package name: cbpi4-pid-autotune
Package link: https://github.com/PiBrewing/cbpi4-PID_AutoTune/archive/main.zip
- Output Step: Defines the output power in % used for steps to ramp up to a temperature. Default is 100%.
- Max Outpuz: Defines the maximum outpout power in % you are using with your system. Default is 100%.
- Lockback Seconds: Defines the time in seconds how far the routine is locking back to identify temperature peaks. 30 seconds is typical. If you experience issues, increase the time (e.g. 60 seconds)
Hardware Setup:
- After installation go to hardware settings
- Select PIDAutoTune as Kettle logic.
- Select the Heater, Agitator and Sensor for your Kettle
- Enter the parameters with the default values or change them to your needs as shown in the image below.
- Usage:
- Go tou your cbpi4 dashboard and add a Kettle and KettleLogic.
- You should run the Autotune as realistic as possible.
- Therefore you should at least use the typical amount of water you are using also for a mash
- Set a Kettle temperature via the Kettle Logic. I selected for instance 67C which is somehow between the typical mash temps of 62C and 73C
- In my case I added even malt which is easy with the braumeister malt pipe as I just added the pipe back into the kettle after a full brewing step and was using the same amount of water
- Start the automatic Kettle Logic (Click on the car symbol) and have a beer as it'll take sme thime. The system will heat up to the setpoint and overshoots intentionally.
- If you are having a pump in your system or other agitators that may impact the heating cycle, you should run them also during the Autotune process
- It is waiting until the temp is going down 0.5C below the target value.
- Then it is repeating this procedure several times.
- While running, it is writing a log file into the logs directory -> autotune.log
- If successfull, the P, I and D values are listed in the log file and a message is displayed in the dashboard.
- You can copy this message and enter the values then afterwards into your real Kettle Logic you are using for the mashing.
- 11.05.22: (0.0.10) Updated README (removed cbpi add)
- 10.05.22: (0.0.9) Removed cbpi dependency
- 10.02.22: (0.0.8): Fix to display correct power in actor button and mqtt when process is starting
- 09.02.22: (0.0.7): Added default target temp in case user did not choose target tamp and alarm if target temp is below current temp
- 20.11.21: (0.0.6): Switch heater off at end of autotune. Usage of power settings (cbpi >= required)
- 15.11.21: (0.0.5): Updated README
- 02.04.21: (0.0.4): Bug fixing
- 15.03.21: Support for cbpi >=