- VERSION: 0.0.2a
- DATE: 2024-12-31
- For saving to SD card, filenames are limited to 8+3 in length.
- To keep session names unique, a session is created with a random 16 bit / 2 byte / 4 hex character ID (0x0000-0xFFFF).
- Session IDs will serve as the prefix for each session.
- Each session will hold an index file (XXXXindx.txt) and timestamp file (XXXXtime.txt).
- The index file will hold any header info.
- The timestamp file will only be created once we have a valid epoch timestamp.
- Each data file will start with the session ID, and be suffixed with a 16 bit sequence number, for a maximum of 65,535 data files per session.
- Each data file has an arbitrary limit of 10Kb before it starts a new data file.
- Assuming an average data entry size of ~160bytes, this should give us:
- ~6400 entries per data file
- ~419,424,000 entries per session
- Assuming a data entry once per second, this should give us:
- ~6,990,400 minutes / 116,506.6 hours of runtime
- Assuming an 8Gb SD card, this should give us:
- ~13 maximum sessions before the disk is full
- THEORETICALLY! Theoretically, I should be dating Jessica Alba.
- Balance CPU usage; currently running on a single core
- Save CPU time by getting epoch time WITH PPS sync every so often
- Leverage Mesh networking with onboard WiFi / Dump WiFiManager/MQTT?
- Over the air message confirmation & repeatback of received remote commands
- Add packet parsing on the fly, retain count/GID/UID/RSSI/NOISE, dump the rest
flowchart TD
%% Define Nodes
Start([Start]) --> InitSerMon{{Init Serial Mon}}
InitSerMon --> InitUARTin{{Init UART in}}
InitUARTin --> InitGPS{{Init GPS}}
InitGPS --> InitIMU{{Init IMU}}
InitIMU --> InitSDcard{{Init SD card}}
InitSDcard --> InitLCD{{Init LCD}}
WatchdogInit --> MinBootReqs{"Min Boot Requirements Met?"}
MinBootReqs --> |YES| StartBothCores[Start Both Cores]
MinBootReqs --> |NO| InitSerMon{{Init Serial Mon}}
%% Main Loops
StartBothCores --> Core1Main[Core 1: Main Loop]
StartBothCores --> Core2Main[Core 2: Main Loop]
%% Core 1 Tasks
Core1Main --> GPSFunctions[/Receive GPS/]
GPSFunctions --> QueryIMU[/Query IMU Sensor/]
QueryIMU --> GetUARTdata[/Receive UART data/]
GetUARTdata --> SDLogging[\Log Data to SD Card\]
SDLogging --> Core1Main
%% Core 2 Tasks
Core2Main --> SerialIO[/Receive Serial Input/]
SerialIO --> StatusLED[\Update Status LEDs\]
StatusLED --> LCDDisplay[\Push Updates to LCD\]
LCDDisplay --> WatchdogProcess[Watchdog Check]
WatchdogProcess --> Core2Main
InitSerMon --> StartSerMon
StartSerMon([Init SerMon]) --> InitSerial{{"Serial:115200 8N1"}}
InitSerial --> ReportSerMon([Report SerMon Status])
ReportSerMon --> WatchdogInit[Watchdog Init]
InitUARTin --> StartUARTIn
StartUARTIn([Init UART In]) --> InitUARTIn{{"Serial1:115200 8N1"}}
InitUARTIn --> PacketAnalyzer{{Packet Analysis}}
PacketAnalyzer --> ReportUARTIn([Report UART In Status])
ReportUARTIn --> WatchdogInit
InitGPS --> StartGPS
StartGPS([Init GPS]) --> InitSerial2{{Serial2:9600 8N1}}
InitSerial2 --> ListenGPS[/"Listen GPS:1.5secs"/]
ListenGPS --> ReportGPS([Report GPS Status])
ReportGPS --> WatchdogInit
InitIMU --> StartIMU
ConfigIMU --> SelfTestIMU[/"IMU Self Test"/]
SelfTestIMU --> ReportIMU([Report IMU Status])
ReportIMU --> WatchdogInit
InitSDcard --> StartSD([Init SD])
StartSD --> ConfigSD{{"SPI Init: RP2040 SD Library"}}
ConfigSD --> ReportSD([Report SD Status])
ReportSD --> WatchdogInit
InitLCD --> StartLCD([Init LCD])
StartLCD([Init LCD]) --> ConfigLCD{{"I2C Init: PCF8574 Iface"}}
ConfigLCD --> ReportLCD([Report LCD Status])
ReportLCD --> WatchdogInit
%% Define Classes
classDef initialstart fill:#FF9800,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef start fill:#4CAF50,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef stop fill:#0033AF,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef initializer fill:#229911,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef decision fill:#FF2200,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef input fill:#7C0770,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef output fill:#AC37C0,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef config fill:#550007,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
classDef process fill:#2196F3,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,font-size:14px,color:#fff;
%% Assign Classes
%% start
class Start initialstart;
%% start
class StartSerMon,StartUARTIn,StartSD,StartLCD,StartGPS,StartIMU start;
%% stop
class End,ReportSerMon,ReportLCD,ReportUARTIn,ReportGPS,ReportSD,ReportIMU stop
%% process
class WatchdogInit,Core1Main,Core2Main,StartBothCores,WatchdogProcess process;
%% decision
class MinBootReqs decision;
%% initializer
class InitSerMon,InitUARTin,InitGPS,InitIMU,InitSDcard,InitLCD initializer;
%% input
class GPSFunctions,SerialIO,GetUARTdata,ListenGPS,SelfTestIMU,QueryIMU input;
%% output
class SDLogging,StatusLED,LCDDisplay output;
%% config
class ConfigIMU,ConfigLCD,ConfigSD,PacketAnalyzer,InitUARTIn,InitSerial,InitSerial2 config