Simple Implementations of common software testing tools
ContainerLibrary is an IoC container
SampleUnitTests help test the TestRunner
TestRunner runs the Unit Tests
UnitTestLibrary defines the components for unit testing
RoslynControlFlowSample uses the Roslyn API to perform some basic Control Flow Analysis
RoslynDataFlowSample uses the Roslyn API to perform some basic Data Flow Analysis
- Expanded the TestOracles in the Assert class
- Write a code coverage tool that instruments the test to provide basic code coverage metrics
This project uses Microsoft .NET Core 2.0 More information about .NET Core is available here. From terminal, in the directory that the sln is in type:
dotnet build testing-research.sln
To execute the TestRunner from the terminal, in the directory that the sln is in type:
dotnet .\TestRunner\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0\TestRunner.dll .\SampleUnitTests\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.0\SampleUnitTests.dll