Welcome to my repository for Introduction to Embedded Systems Software and Development Environments offered by Coursera and University of Colorado Boulder. This repository contains my personal notes, coding practices, and exercises related to the course. My goal is to use this repository to enhance my understanding of the course material and to share my learning journey with others who may find it useful
In this repository, you'll find:
- Notes: Detailed notes on course concepts and topics.
- Coding Practices: Solutions and coding exercises I've worked on to practice the material.
- Assignments: My versions of the assignments, along with explanations and thought processes.
- Embedded Systems Overview
Software - C-Programming Review
- Software Configuartion Management (SCM)
- Version Control
- Building Software with GNU Tools
- Analyzing Complied Code
- Memory Systems
- Software to Hardware Memory Interface
- Writing Code for Different Program Segments
While working through this course, I found a helpful repository that contains assignemtns and solutions. Although I don't have direct access to these materials on Coursera, this repository has been instrumental in my leanring process. I want to acknowledge and give credit to the creator of the repository for their contributions. This repository can be found here: Link
Feel free to explore the notes and coding practices shared in this repository. If you have any questions or suggestions, please open an issue or reach out to me. I welcome feedback anc collaboration!
For any inquiries or comments, you can reach me at: LinkedIn