A multi-series SVG progress bar component made with Svelte 3. It can be rendered as a linear, radial (circular), semicircular or even custom-shaped progressbar. Progression bars and values are fully animated.
NB I copied this from okayrad, I just created this to publish a Svelte 4 compatible version.
If rendered as a linear progressbar there are 2 styles supported:
- Standard: uses svg masks to display inverted text color for the value.
- Thin: the progression bars are rendered as thin bars and the values are placed externally
No dependencies, only 35kb when minified (11kb gzipped)!
The current release is a substantial rewrite of much of the library, and as such it's not guaranteed to be compatible!
The following are the main differences with the previous release:
- If no width is specified, the progress bar will take the whole parent width
- The "path" parameter has been removed and replaced by the "pathFn" parameter. See the API paragraph for usage info.
npm i @pete-y-cs/svelte4-progressbar
Then you can use it like:
import App from './App.svelte';
const app = new App({
target: document.body,
props: {
series: [20, 42]
export default app;
import ProgressBar from "@okrad/svelte-progressbar";
export let series = [];
<ProgressBar {series} />
<button on:click={() => series = [50, 50]}>fill</button>
<button on:click={() => series = [0, 0]}>clear</button>
npm run package
Builds svelte files and transpiles ts into dist/ directory
npm run bundle
Creates minified index.js and index.mjs files in the bundle/ directory.
You can use the index.js bundle by including it in your html file, then instantiating the component:
const pb = new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo'),
props: {
series: 20
This creates a standard progressbar with 20% progression.
const pb = new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo'),
style: 'radial',
props: {
series: [20, 10]
This creates a radial progressbar with 2 series (20% + 10%).
ProgressBar(options): The constructor. Available props are:
- series (number | object | array): for single series progressbars, it can be a number indicating the progression percentage (0-100), or a json object with "perc" and "color" properties. This property is reactive. For example:
series: 42
series: [10, 32]
series: [
perc: 10,
color: '#5AB6DF'
perc: 32,
color: '#65CEA7'
- valueLabel: the label that must be shown as the progress value. It can be a simple text or a markup fragment. The label can contain "markers" in the form "%1", "%2"... that will be substituted with the value of the corresponding series (for example: "perc 1: %1, perc 2: %2"). If not specified, the progress percentage will be shown.
- style: can be "standard" (default), "thin", "radial", "semicircle" o "custom"
- width: determines the width of the whole component. If not specified (or set to "auto" or "100%"), the component will occupy the full width of its parent.
- height: determines the height of the component. If not specified, it defaults to 14px for standard progressbars, 1px for thin progressbars.
- thickness: used only for radial progress bars. It determines the thickness of the bar as a unitless number between 0 and 50 (corresponding to the ray of the circle).
- textSize: the size of the font (in percentage) for the progression value (default: 30 for thin progressbars, 70 for default progressbar, 150 for radial)
- addBackground: determines if a further bar should be added as background to the value bar. Default true.
- bgColor: if addBackground is true, specifies the color of the background bar
- bgFillColor: available only for "radial" and "semicircle" bars. If addBackground is true, specifies the color of the "inner circle" of the progress bar.
- labelColor: specifies the color of the label.
- invLabelColor: specifies the "inverted" label color.
- stackSeries: currently available for "radial" and "semicircle" styles only. If true (default), series will be stacked one after the other. If false, series will be rendered as independent, concentrical arcs.
- margin: currently used only for radial non-stacked bar. Determines the space between the series bars.
- thresholds: list (array) of objects that define which color apply to the progress in relation with the variation of the series value.
- cls: css class to apply to the main element.
- rx, ry: horizontal and vertical border radius (for linear progress bars). If ry is not specified, it defaults to rx.
- fillDirection: direction of "filling". Can be one of "l2r" (left to right [default]), "r2l" (right to left), "t2b" (top to bottom) o "b2t" (bottom to top).
- labelAlignX: alignment of the label along the "x" axis. Can be one of "center" (default), "left", "right", "leftOf", "rightOf".
- labelAlignY: alignment of the label along the "y" axis. Can be one of "middle" (default), "top", "bottom", "above", "below".
- pathFn: used only for custom progress bars. It defines a function that must return the svg path that corresponds to the shape of the progress bar. The function receives 2 parameters: the width and the height of the viewbox, to allow scaling the path values to the actual viewbox.
updateSeries(series): update all of the series. Since the "series" property is reactive, if you are using the component in a Svelte app, you can simply bind to it and change its value as needed.
updatePerc(perc, seriesId = 0): update the specified series progress percentage. Again, since the "series" property is reactive, if you are using the component in a Svelte app, you can simply bind to it and change its value as needed.
Within a svelte app, you can add a subcomponent to a radial progress bar:
<ProgressBar style='radial' series={[80]}>
<MySubcomponent ... />
Or you can for example add an HTML fragment by using a foreignObject tag. In this case just make sure to explicitly set the namespace with the xmlns attribute:
<ProgressBar style='radial' series={[80]}>
<foreignObject x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<button on:click={...}>CLICKME</button>
//Linear progress with single series with vanilla js
new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('pb_container'),
props: {
series: [90]
//Linear progress as a Svelte component
<ProgressBar series={[90]}/>
//Linear progress with two series with vanilla js
new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('pb_container'),
props: {
series: [40, 25]
//Linear progress with two series as a Svelte component
<ProgressBar series={[40, 25]}/>
//Linear progress with "thin" style and two series
new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo3'),
props: {
style: 'thin',
series: [30, 15]
//Custom progress bar
path="m 99.999994,28.641477 c 0,26.036253 -23.181375,32.218477 -49.999995,47.14281 C 25.522677,62.948324 0,54.67773 0,28.641477 10e-8,2.6052245 24.031722,-6.9568368 50.598798,6.1131375 78.0152,-7.6240828 99.999994,2.6052245 99.999994,28.641477 Z"/>
//Semicircular progress bar
new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('demo3'),
props: {
style: 'semicircle',
series: [30]
<ProgressBar style='semicircle' series={[30]}/>
//Radial progress bar with single series and thresholds
new ProgressBar({
target: document.getElementById('pb_container'),
props: {
style: 'radial',
series: [80],
thickness: 10,
thresholds: [
till: 50, //Color stays red from 0% to 50%
color: '#800000'
till: 100, //Color goes green from 51% to 100%
color: '#008000'
till: 50, //Color stays red from 0% to 50%
color: '#800000'
till: 100, //Color goes green from 51% to 100%
color: '#008000'
Take a look at these working examples!
2023/05/16: Version 2.1.1
- Small fixes
2023/02/21: Version 2.1.0
- Sveltekit conversion
2023/02/21: Version 2.0.0
- Major refactorization, bringing full width support and many other improvements!
- Moved to vite
2021/02/23: Version 1.11.2.
- Fixed exception on component destruct
2021/01/29: Version 1.11.1.
- Fixed issue for inverted label not being visible on Chrome 88
- Fixed a small regression
2021/01/22: Version 1.11.0.
- Introducing CustomShapeProgressBar!
- LinearProgressBar has been refectored to use CustomShapeProgressBar
- Added custom label template
- x & y label positions can be controlled through the labelAlignX and labelAlignY props
- inverted label color can be changed with the invLabelColor prop
- Fill direction can be controlled with the "fillDirection" prop
2021/01/15: Version 1.10.0.
- "color" property is now reactive (and interpolates)
- "updateSeries" function added
- Small fix: Avoid style leaking in the global scope
2020/11/23: Version 1.9.4.
- Small fixes
2020/11/05: Version 1.9.3.
- Typescript fixes
2020/11/02: Version 1.9.2. Removed "legacy" build
2020/10/27: Version 1.9.1. Improved TypeScript support.
2020/10/18: Version 1.9.0.
- Initial TypeScript support!
- Add rx, ry attributes to control linear pb radius
- Add cls parameter for style customization
- Fix to avoid progress overflow
- Fix for Safari positioning bug
2020/09/22: Version 1.8.0. Add component composition handling in radial bars
2020/09/05: Version 1.7.1. Small fixes
2020/08/31: Version 1.7.0
- Major store refactorization, simplified overall code
- Label can be set from outside with the valueLabel prop
- Allow markup (and styling) in label
- Add bgFillColor property
- Add labelColor property
2020/08/26: Version 1.6.2. Bugfixes for radial stacked progress bars
2020/08/12: Version 1.6.1. Semicircular bar fixes
2020/08/10: Version 1.6.0. Added semicircle bar style
2020/08/09: Version 1.5.0. series prop become reactive
2020/03/17: Version 1.4.0. Added thresholds, store refactorization
2020/02/07: Version 1.3.1. Added "addBackground", "bgColor", "stackSeries", "margin" parameters. Introduced "legacy" mode for compatibility with IE/Edge.
2019/08/07: Added dist task
2019/08/06: Refactored thin progressbars
2019/08/02: Added textSize parameter
2019/08/01: Handled svg viewport (width/height) while keeping proportions