StarCraft II Bot
- Clone the repository from github and open CommandCenter.sln in Visual Studio 2017
- Ensure that the CactusValleyLE.SC2Map is in the maps folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory
- The paths to the sc2 api should be correct in the solution, but if they're not, fix them
- The sc2 api is included in this github repo
- Build the solution in Visual Studio 2017
- Compilable Command Center and SC2 API files pushed (Ceegan)
- All upgrades can be researched (Ceegan)
- Base expansion available (Ceegan)
- Blink kitting based on distance and weapon cooldown (Ceegan)
- Continuous scouting of unoccupied bases (Ceegan)
- "Blink Stalker" strategies and building order (Zhai)
- Chronoboosting based on priority orider (Gregory)
- Second Base is made when first base resources run low (Gregory)
- Stalker are created endlessly and pylons are constructed when needed (Gregory)
- A pylon is created and recreated accross the map (Brandon)
- Warpgates create stalkers accross the map (Brandon)
- Ceegan Hale
- Gregory Baker
- Brandon Wielickzo
- Charles Zhai