- Add image orientation by @scovitz in #205
- review feedback milestone: adding code/CuBIDS option and converting CSVs to TSVs by @scovitz in #217
- Reviewer feedback incorporated into docs and pybids layout update by @scovitz in #227
- Data dictionaries by @scovitz in #230
- No index metadata by @scovitz in #231
- updated _update_json to no longer use pybids by @scovitz in #232
- Minor tune ups: codespell'ing (fixes + tox + CI (github actions)), remove of unintended to be committed 2 files by @yarikoptic in #239
- ENH: Make "NumVolumes" an integer for 3D images by @cookpa in #211
- adding note about fmap renamekeygroups by @megardn in #140
- Update usage.rst by @megardn in #138
- printing erroneous jsons and only rounding float parameters by @scovitz in #257
- @yarikoptic made their first contribution in #239
- @cookpa made their first contribution in #211
- @megardn made their first contribution in #140
Full Changelog: https://github.com/PennLINC/CuBIDS/compare/v1.0.1...1.0.2
- First release on PyPI.