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Getting Started

Pedro Alves Valentim edited this page May 23, 2017 · 4 revisions

LuaMidi ♫ is an attempt to abstract the MIDI format (more precisely, the Standard MIDI Format) and offer the user an object-oriented-like control of its events. The API is as clearer and complete as (I could make) possible.


To install LuaMidi ♫, use LuaRocks:

$ luarocks install luamidi


Initially, it must import the main module:

local LuaMidi = require ('LuaMidi')

Once it's been done, all classes are available.
Here is an example of how to write the C Major Scale:

local LuaMidi = require ('LuaMidi')
local Track = LuaMidi.Track
local NoteEvent = LuaMidi.NoteEvent
local Writer = LuaMidi.Writer

-- Creates Track instance
local track =

-- Table with notes as strings (must specify octave)
local notes = {'C3', 'D3', 'E3', 'F3', 'G3', 'A3', 'B3', 'C4'}

-- Adds notes to Track
track:add_events({pitch = notes, sequential = true}))

-- Creates Writer passing Track
local writer =

-- Writes MIDI file called "C Major Scale.mid"
writer:save_MIDI('C Major Scale')

As there's already an inline explanation in the code, it's not needed to make a narrative out of it. That's the basic routine of a MIDI file construction. A more complex example can be seen at Writing Stairway to Heaven.
For further explanation about it, check the Classes page.

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